Page 89 of Triplets Make Five
“Ah, yes. The renovations. Did you know that Mr. Dobson was kind enough to offer handicap assistance as one of my renovations? That man really is astounding, I tell you. The media doesn’t paint him in the right light.”
“They actually might,” I said.
“What do you mean?”
“The new numbers are going to be higher. Probably double what we were originally quoted,” I said.
“Double, huh? What makes you think that?”
“A conversation I overheard Mr. Dobson having with someone.”
“And where were you with Mr. Dobson?” Mr. Fienster sat down a hot cup of tea he’d made along with some sweet cream. I stared at the steam wafting up from the glass and I felt tears rimming the bags underneath my eyes. I missed him. Even with everything that was going on and the heartless way he’d dismissed me the last time I saw him, I missed him.
/> My heart ached for him, and it wasn’t until Mr. Fienster sat down beside me with his tea that I was ripped from my trance.
“Why don’t you start from the beginning and fill me in, hm?”
“The first time I met Foster, it was actually at the new club I was singing at.”
“Sorry, Mr. Dobson,” I said.
“Ah, so his name is Foster. Alright. Continue. You met him at the club and I presume you were taken with him?”
“A bit. He simply held himself with a great deal of confidence.”
“And he’s not too easy on the eyes, either.”
“Mr. F!”
“What?! I was young once. Gay men existed well before this generation started their revolutions and such. So, what happened?” he asked.
“Well, he just assumed I’d simply hop into bed with him, so I left to perform. I didn’t run into him again until he was knocking on my door wanting to talk about the renovations to the apartments,” I said.
“Ah, what a twist. Did he ask you out?”
“He did, and I accepted. We’ve gone out on a couple of occasions. Indulged in some… things with one another,” I said, blushing.
“You can keep those private details to yourself. I’ve never been one to allow kissing and telling in my presence.”
“I assume this phone call took place at some point in time while you were with him?”
“Yeah. I went to his office to meet him and we spent some time together. He took me to his home and I got to lay up against his body all night. Mr. Fienster, it felt so good to be beside him. I’ve always taken pride in being able to protect myself and not need anyone, but I didn’t even realize how much I wanted someone like him until I had him right next to me,” I said.
“Sounds like he treats you well, which is exactly what you deserve. When did this phone call take place? Can you remember what was said?”
“It was just after we’d had dinner and indulged in more… things,” I said, giggling.
“Ah, to experience that giggle again. Love looks good on you, Ella.”
“Love? Yikes, no. Not even close. Infatuation, maybe. But not love,” I said.
“Anyway,” Mr. Fienster smirked, “what happened on the phone?”
“He got up to take a phone call and I heard him talking with someone. A David or Deigo-- I don’t know, he said a lot of names. But, I heard him throwing around prices. Sixty thousand and offering us the option of having lesser quality products installed in order to chip away at the price.”
“Was he angry?”