Page 155 of Serve Me
He could almost see John shaking his head. “You can't be serious! No one is going to go for that.”
“I don't have a choice. So, are there any women in the force? Anyone who could use some extramarital benefits? I like a woman with a gun.”
“Hell no. No one I would set you up with! Any of the single ladies in my unit are smart. And to most of them are married! Hell some of them are older than me. I don't know how to tell you this Cole, you're screwed. Anyway, I'm on duty so that got it back to it, but good luck man. Sounds like you're having a hard time.”
Just then Addison emerged from my bedroom wiping her eyes with my shirt and just a single pair of undies on. Damn, she was hot.
“Yeah okay, buddy. Thanks anyway. Bye.” I swiped my phone to hang up the call.
“Morning sleeping beauty.”
“What time is it?” She whined as she put her hand above her eyes to block out the sunlight coming from my floor-to-ceiling windows in the kitchen.
“After 10.”
She groaned. “I need to text my sister. Have you seen my phone? Wait. Have you seen my skirt? I think my phone was in there.”
I pointed to the couch. “I think that's where I tore it off of you.”
She dragged her feet along the white carpet and flopped down on the couch pulling her phone out of the pocket of her skirt. I turned off the griddle
and put two pancakes on a plate for her, grabbing the Bloody Mary off the island and walking into the living room setting it down in front of her.
“You cook?”
“Don't sound so surprised. A man's got to eat.”
“Yeah I get that, but men like you have cooks. Chefs or whatever. They don't usually make their own pancakes and Bloody Marys. By the way, this is really good.” She said as she took a sip.
“I have a proposition for you.”
She pulled her feet up on the leather sofa underneath her so she was sitting Indian style. A single strand of black curly hair fell into her face and it took every fiber of my being to not push it out of her eyes. God, why was I so attracted to her?
I couldn't figure it out. I also couldn't figure out why I was doing what I was about to do. But I didn't have any other choices. I was shit out of luck.
“I'm listening.”
“So last night…”
She picked up the plate and took a bite out of her pancake. “Was great.”
“I was going to say fucking awesome, but great is okay.”
“Okay, so what about it? I thought we were very no strings attached.”
“But what if there were?”
She raised an eyebrow at me. “Strings?”
“Yeah. What if we could keep doing this? Not only would we keep having amazing hot sex, but there was more to it. Something in it for you.”
She set the plate on the coffee table looking confused. “Are you trying to ask me out on a date? Because you kind of suck at it.”
“No,” I put my hands up in surrender. I couldn't remember the last time asked somebody out on a date. I didn't date. I didn't date and I didn't fall in love, I just fucked women senseless. And up until now, it had worked for me.
“No, I don't want to date you. I want to marry you.”
She choked on the Bloody Mary some of it going up and out of her mouth. I grabbed a napkin off the table and handed it to her. “I'm sorry, what did you just say? Because I swear to God I only had four beers last night.”