Page 121 of Say Yes, Senator
I had spent my whole life in the shadow of Muerte Viviente hanging over my head, but now it was the Rogue Rebels that I was a part of, and suddenly, it made me feel powerful. I knew the MC was stronger that Muerte Viviente, and I smiled at myself in the mirror. Neither my father nor Juan could ever touch me again. Not when I had the support of the Rogue Rebels behind me. Not as long as I had King by my side.
I had spent so much time running away from the memory of him, that I hadn’t even realized that my destiny was with him. That there was no reason for me to have even left the town. I should have just stayed with him here, built a life with him here. He would have taken care of me, in the same way, that he was taking care of me now.
The sound of a revving motorcycle alerted me, and I walked over to the window and pulled the curtains aside. King was on a bike on the street, looking up at the window and I smiled. Right on time!
I rushed out of the apartment, locking the door behind me as I went, and ran down the steps till I was out in the sun now. King remained on his bike, straddling it in position and I could see his eyes roaming over my body, drinking me in.
He looked handsome and strong as he held the bike. His leather jacket was old and looked worn, as did his jeans and the black t-shirt he was wearing underneath. But, it didn’t matter. King was handsome. His hair was in a ponytail and now lay on his right shoulder. His dark eyes glimmered in the morning sun; his thin lips were stretching in a hint of a smile. His face was chiseled and angular, and his skin shone like bronze. King oozed sex, and I knew I wasn’t the first woman to notice it.
“This is new,” I said cheerily as I walked towards him, and I gave him a twirl of my dress as well.
King smiled and nodded his head.
“I didn’t notice because I was busy staring at your face,” he said, and I walked over to him to kiss him. The kiss was sweet and slow, ebbing with promises of what more was to come later in the day. I couldn’t wait, I couldn’t control myself around him. Even just a kiss made my stomach clench, my pussy throb with desire for his mouth, his fingers…his cock.
“I’ve decided to call you King from now,” I said, easing my lips away from him. Somehow it felt wrong to have such thoughts about his body just minutes before walking into a church. Wasn’t it supposed to be blasphemous or something? King grinned at me and nodded his head.
“You can call me whatever you want, Valentina. It’s all music to my ears,” he said, and it made me blush. Nobody else could make me blush the way he did.
He gave me his hand, and I took it to ease myself on his bike, and then I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Hold tight, baby,” he said when he kicked the accelerator in motion, and I squealed with joy when the bike took off. I could barely control the complete abandon that had taken over my body and soul. I was free at last!
King was sitting beside me on one of the church pews up front, and I kept trying to remember when the last time was that I had been inside a church. This one was beautiful, and my gaze kept drifting to the light filtering in through the stained-glass windows on the sides and the beautiful architecture above us.
It was a lovely airy room with a large altar, and in it, the priest’s voice boomed. Every time I looked over, I saw King’s face bent over the little Bible he had in his hands. I saw that he was reading the verses that the priest was using as quotes in his mass. I had always known that King stood strongly for his religious beliefs. Even at the lowest points in his life, when I had witnessed his body and soul beaten, he had held strongly on to his beliefs. Now, he looked like he was at peace while the priest’s voice sunk into our hearts.
I couldn’t take my eyes off the man sitting beside me. The man who was keeping me safe, the man who loved me…who I wanted to be the father of my children. My mind whirled with the thought; the realization had never struck me before. I didn’t even know I wanted children, especially after the kind of childhood I had been through myself.
A sudden shuffling of feet alerted me, and I realized that everyone was standing up. Mass was over. King had stood up too, and he was speaking in a gentle, hushed whisper with the older man beside him. I stood up with a jerk, not quite accustomed to the procedures yet.
The old man was holding King’s hand now, pressing his frail ones into King’s larger bronzer hands. Then he looked over at me and smiled, before turning and walking away.
“You seem like you know each other,” I told King when he finally turned to me. He had a fresh, excited look in his eyes, and I could now see the full effect that church had on him. It was like a soul cleansing experience for him, and if I could ever be religious, I knew that I would respect him for his faith.
“I’ve known Patrick for fifteen years. He knew me when I was a kid, and we’ve always sat together here for Sunday mass, every week without fail,” King said, and the smile on his face right then was genuine and far reaching. I touched his shoulder lightly and squeezed.
“You seem happy here, King, and that makes me happy,” I said, and it looked almost like a blush rose up on his face. But he was too masculine to blush! That look disappeared within a second, and he grabbed my hand and was pulling me towards the altar.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked him, as he kept walking. The others in the church had already started pouring out. The priest had positioned himself at the main doors to talk to the members of his parish.
“I want you to see the place, I know every corner here,” King was saying and I looked around me, taking some more time to admire the architecture of the room.
We stood for a few moments at the altar and gazed up at the ceiling. I was turning in circles on my feet, my hair tumbling backward…the beauty of the architecture was overwhelming, and I could feel myself getting calmer by the second. I could see the appeal the church had on King and suddenly, I sensed the shadow of his head fall over mine. He was kissing me.
I yanked myself away from him, clamping a hand on my mouth.
“You’re kissing me in church!” I hissed at him, trying to stifle the smile that was erupting on my face. King was smiling too, in fact, I could sense the familiar look of desire in his eyes too. Was he turned on? My eyes shot over to the front doors where I had seen the priest earlier, and I let out a slight sigh of relief when I realized we were alone.
“So?” he said flatly and grabbed me by my waist, he pulled me to himself with force. I landed on his chest, and he covered my face with kisses again. I tried to wrestle out of his grip, jerking my head around to the doors of the church. Nobody had seen us yet. Everyone had gathered around the priest who was speaking to the ones remaining.
“King! They’re going to banish you from church!” I scolded him, at the same time trying to not burst into laughter. The thrill of the taboo was too much to bear. I had an uncontrollable urge to giggle like a giddy teenager.
“They definitely won’t. My donations are what keeps this place going!” he said and kissed me some more.
I slipped out of his arms and still giggling, still feeling high on adrenaline; I ran away from him, around the altar and towards the wooden doorways at the back. King followed me through, and the sound of our footsteps were the only noises that I could hear.