Page 210 of Say Yes, Senator
“Sounds good to me, sir. I’ve built up quite a thirst. Been a busy day already. You know the bar in town, opposite the precinct? Want to meet there?” It was a small, quiet bar that had good beer. We were unlikely to have any unwanted listeners there.
“Enough with the sir, Jack. It’s the weekend. Sure, I’ll meet you there. Give me twenty minutes. Beers are on me.”
“Whatever you say, Frank. So, I’m getting beers on the department, now am I? Well, this day just keeps getting better!” I heard him laughing down the phone.
“Right, see you there. Just gotta tell Marlene I’m leaving her. For the afternoon, that is.” It was my turn to laugh.
“Good luck sir… Frank. See you soon.”
I put the car into drive and took a slow route through town. The journey wasn’t far, and I had a bit of time to kill. My mind went over all the evidence I had so far and how I was gonna put everything together.
I just needed to bust the meth lab without word getting to Conall first. I figured Sunday would be as good a day as any. Probably wouldn’t be expecting a visit from the cops, with any luck. Though I knew what hard core meth dealers were like, paranoid at the best of times violent and unpredictable at others. Some would do anything to avoid jail. They would much rather die trying to escape than get locked up.
I figured they probably wouldn’t go down without a fight. That suited me just fine. A few less scumbags on the streets was never a bad thing.
I arrived at the bar just before the Lieutenant rolled up in his large saloon. I waited near the entrance as he parked and got out the car, groaning at a bad leg as he straightened, hands on the small of his back.
Damn, when did you get so old? You used to be invincible, hard as nails. Well, the department is in safe hands. You don’t have to worry about that, old friend.
I glanced at his car. Large, expensive alloys gleamed silver in the late afternoon sun.
So that’s what a Lieutenant's wages can afford? I could get used to driving something like that…
“Jack. Great timing, as always! Good to see you.” He walked over, arm extended and with a wide grin on his face. I shook his hand, a strong, thorough handshake that rattled my shoulder.
“You too, Frank. Hope Marlene’s not too pissed.” I raised an eyebrow at him as we turned to enter the bar.
“She’s always pissed, Jack. You get used to it after a while. I figure she’ll calm down when I’m retired. I think she just gets bored when I’m at work, you know. She’s been retired five years now.” He sighed wistfully.
“Yeah, I reckon so. She’ll be glad to have you around.” We walked in the bar, both surveying the few faces dotted around.
“No one I recognize. Still can’t be too careful,” the Lieutenant said, choosing a booth furthest away from everyone else.
I took a seat as he went to grab a couple beers. I accepted one gratefully, nodding my thanks. I took a large, well-deserved gulp of beer, gasping at the cool refreshment.
“Damn, that’s good. What is it?” I said as the Lieutenant gulped down a third of his in one go. I raised my eyebrows, a half smile on my face.
“Locally brewed IPA, strong and hoppy. My favorite.” He set his glass down and leaned forward.
“What you got for me, Jack?” He spoke low, and there was no way anyone else could hear us. I took a quick glance around, taking a small sip of beer. I turned to face the Lieutenant, confident no one was eavesdropping on us.
I recounted the events of the past few days, the trail I’d followed that had turned up at a dead end. Then the information I got from Eden. The visit to Goldie and his arrest. The details he’d given me of the suspected meth lab. Conall’s visits to Eden and his threats. Goldie’s assault of her.
I paused, taking a breath and another glug of beer.
“So, she’s willing to testify. That’s good but not enough. Plus, we know what Conall’s like. Would do anything to keep himself out of jail.” He nodded thoughtfully, staring out the window behind me.
I got my cell phone out, turning the volume off as I showed him the video of Conall I’d recorded earlier. He frowned with anger as he watched Conall’s rage. I put the phone away.
“He repeatedly threatens her. Tries to break in. Got it all on camera. This enough for a restraining order, sir?” I looked at him expectantly.
“It is if I say it is, and I damn well say it is. I’ll make a call when I get home and get one in place today. Got some old contacts downtown that owe me a favor or two. I’ll get a patrol car near her house to keep an eye out for that scumbag.” I nodded at him, thankful.
“There’s one more favor I need, sir. Like I said, she’s willing to testify. Conall’s given her drugs. He’s forced his way into her house. Threatened and intimidated her. I got a sample of meth off of her, and it turns out it’s exactly the same as the other stuff. She can put that on Conall Down to the time, date, and even the clothes he was wearing.”
He was nodding at me, considering everything I’d said so far.
“But she’s scared, Frank. Not to mention, I’m worried about her. I promised her I’d keep her safe. I want to get her somewhere out of town. Keep the location secret, even from me. You know, in case the worst comes to worst.” I was flooded with concern while thinking of Eden and her pretty face, large eyes and warm smile.