Page 212 of Say Yes, Senator
I gave a silent thanks to Jack and the few good cops in his circle, cops I didn’t know but were risking a lot to help someone who used to roll with the guy they were closing in on.
At least the good guys still exist. Not everyone is out for money a
nd power.
Sunday began in the same way as any other, relaxing and uneventful. I went through my morning routine, shower, breakfast. I got dressed into some comfortable and functional clothes knowing I’d probably have to leave at a moment’s notice at some point later in the day.
After getting dressed and applying a little makeup I packed a small bag with clothes for about a week, not knowing how long I’d be away for. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Jack made a move, and I’d probably overpacked. The cautious side of told me to take my cash, passport and a few of my favorite personal effects.
Just in case.
I was surprised shortly after packing by a loud, quick knock on the door. I grabbed my things and headed downstairs, dumping my bags on the couch before answering it.
I swung the door open to find Lucas standing there in casual clothes. Simple jeans and a plain t-shirt, hands crossed at his lap.
“Hey, Eden. Can I come in?” He stood there, an apologetic look on his face.
“Sure, Lucas. Come in. I just made some coffee.” I ushered him in and closed the door behind him as we headed for the kitchen.
He was looking around, peering into the living room and glancing upstairs as we passed through the hall.
“Nice place you got here. Real nice, Eden. I’m glad you’re doing alright, y’know.” He smiled sweetly at me as he settled into a wooden chair at the kitchen table, hands resting palm down on the table.
I poured us both a steaming mug of strong coffee and took the chair opposite. I looked at him, remembering the cheeky older teenager I’d known as a kid. I barely recognized him these days.
“You’re looking good, Lucas. I’m surprised Maria and those kids haven’t worn you out!” I smiled at him, and he laughed good naturedly.
“Thanks. Nah, they’re good. Most of the time. And Maria tells me what to do. Makes things easy. Ain’t gotta think after a long day of busting boneheads!” His eyes sparkled as he took a sip of coffee.
“Listen. Jack spoke to me yesterday. I’m getting you out of here. Now. I got one of my guys waiting to look after you at a motel outside of town. It’ll just be for the time being, then we can move you somewhere safer and further away if...” He glanced down at his hands apprehensively, then looked up to fix me with an intense stare.
“If Jack don’t come back. But he will, I’m sure of it. This will all be over before you know it.”
“Thanks Lucas. I owe you one. We owe you one. Tell you what, when this is all over me and Jack will take you, Maria and the kids out for a meal. Somewhere real nice.” I blushed as he grinned at me, his face lighting up with realization, and a flash of the cheeky youth I once knew shone through.
“Oh I see. You don’t hang around, do you?” He slapped the table. Coffee mugs bounced worryingly.
“Wow. I’m so happy for you both. I reckon you’ll be good for each other. I mean it.” He nodded at me. I smiled sweetly back at him, glowing at the thought of Jack and me together with Lucas’s blessing. I knew they were good friends and it meant a lot to have him rooting for us.
“Alright then, Eden. Let’s get out of here. Drive’s gonna be indirect. Gotta make sure we aren’t followed. Sorry if we have to go back on ourselves a few times.”
I stood up, pouring the remnants of our drinks into the sink. I steeled myself, taking one last glance around the kitchen before going to grab my bags from the couch. I turned to face Lucas who was standing behind me, expression closed, arms crossed.
“Ok, Lucas. Let’s get out of here.”
A little while later we were driving steadily along the interstate out of town, arid pastures as far as the eye could see on both sides. Large cacti loomed all round us, casting a long shadow in the dusty soil. My gaze wandered around the horizon taking in the monotonous scenery with a distracted boredom.
I leaned over to click the radio to a different station, annoyed by the incessant soft rock Lucas had been nodding his head to.
He glanced over his shoulder at me.
“Sorry, Eden. Don’t know what music you like.” He shrugged, eyes back on the road. Dust swirled in front of us, a red haze drifting across my vision in the early afternoon sun.
“Not long now. Almost there. Gonna stop at an old motel, like I said. Ain’t the best, but there won’t be anyone there, most likely. There’s no way Conall is gonna find you here.”