Page 214 of Say Yes, Senator
But it was true. I’d fallen for him already. He just needs to save me from Conall one last time, and I’ll show him…
The door was smashed open suddenly, wood splintering with a crunch as it flew inwards, flimsy wood no match for Conall’s huge frame.
Four figures stood at the door. Conall, and three of his trusted, I presumed. One was holding his gut, leaning to one side, blood pouring down a white vest. A grim, pale face stared at me meanly. The other two of his goons were unharmed, arms crossed against huge, fat chests.
Conall grunted as he saw me.
“Eden. We need to talk, you and me…”
I’d returned to my apartment after my meeting with the Lieutenant, resisting the urge to visit Eden. Home, but somehow… not. I frowned as I’d looked around the small space I’d called home for a few years now. The area seemed empty, colorless. Something was missing.
Or someone. Eden.
I sighed, throwing my clothes off casually, walking naked across the kitchen to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. I stretched my muscles, rolling my shoulders and loosening my neck muscles. I was tired, but felt good. I felt alive, strong. Like a man.
Eden entered my mind once again as I stood naked at the large window, staring out over the town below me. Cool air brushed my naked skin, invigorating me. I imagined the look on Eden’s face as we had sex, contorting with pleasure as she reached orgasm. I sighed with longing.
I looked down to find myself slightly aroused and struggled to shake the thoughts of sex from my mind.
I’ll see Eden tomorrow or Monday. Plenty of time for that later.
My face hardened as I thought of the task ahead of me. Taking down a big meth operation single handed. Sure, I had all the good cops in the department at my disposal with one quick call to the Lieutenant. He’d told me he’d be by the phone, ready. Bullet proof vest on, gun loaded. He said if I needed immediate backup that he’d be there himself in less than five minutes.
One last hurrah, he’d said. But I’m gonna try my best to do this one on my own. Now it’s personal. No one fucks with Jack Storm, takes him for a fool.
I finished my water and headed for the shower. I had a quick workout as I waited for the water to heat up and the room to fill with steam. I washed quickly and headed to bed, deciding to make it an early night. Or try to at least.
I didn’t sleep much. Not with everything swimming around in my mind. My intelligence was a burden sometimes, and it was often impossible to switch my brain off.
Well, apart from when I was with Eden, lying there contentedly after passionate sex. That seemed to do the job quite nicely…
I restlessly rose from bed and quickly ate breakfast after doing some pushups. Powerful muscles lifted my torso up and down easily, and I lost count of how many I’d done. Breakfast was washed down with a strong, black coffee.
My morning ritual complete, I dressed and started to prepare for the long day ahead of me. I pulled on some boxer shorts and a tight white vest. I adjusted myself in the tight underwear, putting myself into a comfortable position. Satisfied, I headed to my wardrobe and grabbed my police issue bullet proof vest and put it on over my shirt, slapping down the velcro and adjusting the snug fabric.
Never been shot, but not gonna take any risks today. Never know when your luck’s gonna run out…
I was incredibly lucky in general and mainly attributed it to my lack of fear, instinct and quick thinking. People sometimes attributed bad luck to their own hesitation and subconscious doubts. Traits I had rarely experienced.
I twisted in front of my full-length mirror to ensure my vest was covering my back properly. Then I dressed in jeans, socks and my snakeskin boots. I put on a stiff, starchy white shirt, buttoning the shirt up to cover my vest. My outfit was completed with my leather trench coat I rolled my shoulders forward as I donned the jacket and turned the collar up.
Well, now I look the part, at least.
I headed to the kitchen and reloaded the clips of my guns that were sitting on the dining table. I took a box of bullets from a drawer and filled a spare clip for each, clicking the bullets into place deftly.
I checked the action of both pistols, clicking a bullet into the receiver, unloading the clip, clicking the bullet out and catching it as it was flung from the side of the pistol. All completed in one swift movement.
Satisfied both pistols were working, I clicked the ejected bullets back into both clips and loaded the guns, holstering one at my hip and putting the smaller of the two into my trench coat’s inside pocket, safeties on.
The Lieutenant had warned me to be cautious, to wait for backup if necessary, but I had other ideas.
My first step was going to be to get to the place. I’d already checked an online map and had visualized its location, the large blue building etched into my memory. There were two main approaches. The large building stretched between two roads on the industrial estate. That was the obvious entry. From what I’d seen as well, there was a narrow alleyway that snaked away from the building to the west, running along a large portion of the wall.