Page 71 of Say Yes, Senator
“That’s what those guys said. It’s second hand smoke but it’s something. You told us to keep an eye out,” Slade said and King stepped forward to thump him on his back.
“Good work, man,” he told him and Slade seemed pleased.
King and I turned and started walking towards the exit. When I looked over at him, he seemed a little surprised that I wasn’t staying. We were at a strip club, and I wasn’t banging a chick. It wasn’t often that happened.
“I think we should check out this fight ring,” I said, trying to distract King from asking me questions about why I wasn’t interested in all the naked tits around me.
“We need to run it by Elwood first though, don’t we?” King said as we stepped out into the night again.
“Yeah,” I replied, my mind already wandering to what Ava might be doing.
Chapter 10
I was surrounded with books in Charity’s living room. She was in the kitchen behind me, cooking us dinner while I studied. I was trying to get into a Vet Tech program in the city, and I was determined to change my life around. A few more weeks at this job would give me enough money to help me move out of Charity’s apartment and I could start repaying her for all her help in the past few weeks.
“A few more inches, and you’re going to fall into your book,” she called out to me and I realized I had been leaning over the couch, trying to absorb every word on the page. My circumstances weren’t ideal to really concentrate, but I was trying my best. I had somehow managed to put Commando at the back of my mind and work on the entrance exam. The feeling of having his fingers sliding in and out of my pussy was still starkly clear in my mind, but I tried to not think about it.
“Just one more chapter and we can eat,” I called out to her happily, just as there was a sharp banging on the door.
I turned to look at Charity, who had her brows crossed.
“Expecting someone?” I asked her, as the banging on the door grew louder. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.
“Not that I can think of. Might be Mr. Brown, he lives next door and sometimes forgets which door he’s knocking on,” Charity wiped her hands on the apron at her waist as she walked towards the door.
“That isn’t exactly knocking,” I said, with a detached smirk, turning to my book again.
“He might have had a little too much to drink, he’ll be embarrassed tomorrow and apologize when he bumps into me,” she said with a laugh and opened the door.
I heard his voice before I saw him, and immediately my blood ran cold.
/> “Where the fuck is she?” Blaine’s voice was harsh and icy as he stormed into the apartment. He had thrust Charity to the side and now she was pasted with her back to the wall as he lunged towards me.
I screamed, with only a split second to react as he grabbed my arm and squeezed, pulling me off the couch.
“Blaine! You’re hurting me!” I screamed as he shook me wildly.
“Did you think you could hide from me forever?” he barked, and some spittle flew from his mouth on my face. My eyes were widened, fixed on his enraged face. I could see that he was drunk, I could smell the beer on his breath. His face had turned red with anger and for the first time in my life, I was scared of dying. He was bigger and stronger than me and he could very easily kill me.
“Blaine, please. Just let me go and let me explain,” I pleaded with him and I felt the pressure of his grip on my arm. He was tightening it, squeezing my flesh and a sharp pain zapped up and down my arm. He was holding me just below my elbow, keeping me in position, just inches from his face.
“Where is it?” he barked, spittle flying everywhere.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, please just let me go. You’re hurting me,” I begged. I could hear Charity behind him, sobbing. I had dragged her into this, and now she had to watch her best friend being beaten up.
“Where is the money?” Blaine brought his face closer to me. He was baring his teeth like a wild animal and in that moment, I knew that he was capable of anything. I couldn’t move, my feet were frozen, I was dangling from his grip on my arm…trying to pull myself away.
“I don’t have your money, Blaine, I promise,” I cried, hot tears rolling down my cheeks.
How had he turned into this? This was not the guy I thought I had fallen in love with. But maybe, I hadn’t known him at all. His nostrils were flared, he was flying high in a drunken rage and I had no idea how he had found me. I thought he didn’t know where Charity lived.
“There’s money missing and I know you took it!” he barked again and shook me by my arm. His fingers were digging into my flesh and the pain was growing more intense. I was afraid of another punch, of a harder punch than the last time. I didn’t want Charity to be hurt, I didn’t want her to see what he was capable of doing to me.
“I didn’t take anything, Blaine, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I cried, trying to get the words out of my throat. Charity was still sobbing by the door, sometimes picking up the guts to scream at Blaine to let me go.
“You lying bitch. Tell me where you’ve hidden it!” he yelled and with his free hand, he pushed all the books and papers off the coffee table and they went flying to the floor. He didn’t let go of my arm though, and I could feel my strength weakening. Something had changed in Blaine. This wasn’t just about some little cash, he was desperate about this money and I thought he was making enough at work.