Page 262 of Baby Makes Three
“I know and I understand. I would have probably not handled it much differently if I was in your shoes.”
“I want us to be like a real family,” I told her.
“I’d like that too.”
For the first time since I found out I had a son this morning, my mind settled because for some reason I knew it was going to be like she said. It was all going to work out.
It had to.
Chapter Twenty: Hailey
I wiped my sweaty palms down the front of my full-length jeans as I watched Noah and Wyatt get ice-cream from the vendor.
It was bright and sunny Saturday morning and we were all at the nearby park. Other families were running around and spending quality time together.
A few days had passed since Noah had recuperated from the stomach bug. After the doctor had given us the all clear yesterday, Wyatt and I had talked and agreed to tell Noah the truth today.
I was nervous and excited. I thought Noah would take it well. He did after all want a guy in his life. He was already in love with Wyatt and couldn’t stop talking about the man. The two spent every available moment together. Even now as they returned to me holding three ice-cream cones I could see that Noah was already adopting some of Wyatt’s mannerisms.
Still, I worried that things could fall apart at any second. I had stayed up late more than one night worried that he would become upset with the news.
I was sitting at one of the lunch tables situated strategically around the park. Noah came to my side and sat down while Wyatt sat opposite us and handed me a vanilla-cherry ice-cream cone.
We made small talk as we ate. Wyatt and Noah were discussing a cartoon show, allowing me to observe the interaction between the two of them for the most part.
Wyatt was very patient and loving, speaking with him as if he truly valued his opinion in their discussion. Was it wrong that I found him completely hot when he was in full daddy mode?
Maybe it was but that didn’t stop me from secretly lusty after him.
I covertly checked out Wyatt. He had on shorts and a simple tee shirt that highlighted the hardness of his body while sandals covered his feet. He wore an almost identical outfit to Noah, who only dressed after he saw what Wyatt had on, while I was in floral sundress.
He looked deliciously dark and handsome like he always did. My pussy definitely took notice of the fact.
I wasn’t the only one either. I had seen a few of the other moms and passing women checking him out. I had ground my teeth more than once to suppress my growl of possessive jealousy.
I should not be feeling the hard emotion of possessiveness. This man wasn’t mine. I had no claim on him and their admiring looks only made the fact more glaringly obvious to me.
We hadn’t spoken of a romantic relationship between us since he found out about Noah. We both seemed to be afraid to broach the subject. I certainly was. Despite my efforts, my heart had become hooked on this man again. I didn’t think I could stand to hear him say he didn’t return my feelings so I left the subject alone.
We were both concentrating on what was best where Noah was concerned and that was just the way it should be.
Our tissues were thrown in the bin and our ice-creams devoured when I looked at Wyatt I nodded when I saw the question in his eyes.
Was it time?
I was thankful that he allowed me to lead the conversation even though he was eager to deliver the news.
“There’s something we would like to tell you,” I said to Noah.
Something in my tone alerted him that this was serious because he looked up sharply and his eyes went wide as he cocked his head to the side curiously.
I wondered how I should deliver the news and even after almost a week to figure it out all I settled on was just blurting it out so that just what I did.
“Wyatt is your daddy,” I said.
Even though we were in the middle of a park filled with people, everything seemed to go completely silently as both Wyatt and I watch Noah carefully for his reaction.
He seemed to be mulling it over in his mind then final said, “Is that why we have the same last name?”