Page 109 of 5+Us Makes Seven
I felt a grin creeping onto my face as I spotted him.
“Lucas! You fucking genius!” I said through my inane expression that was spreading from cheek to cheek. “You’ve only gone and got me a case to work on, my case.”
“Glad to hear it, Jack. Couldn’t have you sitting there wasting away, the best damn detective in the department. Just doing my bit for the town, y’know?” He was grinning back at me, eyes shining.
“Forget what I said about it being your turn to get the beers! Next rounds are on me!”
We both laughed heartily as we shook hands, and I slapped him good naturedly on the shoulder.
Now, time for a well-earned drink. Or three.
I saw Lucas had a beer already, with only a few gulps gone. Wouldn’t take too much catching up.
I glanced at the locals at the bar as I approached. Old guys, drinking casually from their glasses. My gaze flicked to the blonde behind the bar, I recognized her as a colleague’s girlfriend, Cindy. Then my gaze shifted to the right again, resting on the second waitress.
She was adjusting her shirt, wriggling slightly and pulling it down a fraction. She brushed her long black hair away from her face casually, looking just past me. Pretending she hadn’t seen me.
She was absolutely stunning, full figured, slim waist, wide hips. Hopefully a big butt, too.
Then she froze as I approached, her eyes widening. She looked like she was in shock, or just remembered she’d left her dog in the car or something.
I took the opportunity to look her up and down as I got to the bar. She looked even better close up. My gaze was drawn first to her hourglass figure, those hips and waist, then up to the push up bra that was showing off her pert breasts underneath a tight black shirt.
Then my eyes rested on her face Recognition sparked briefly in my mind. I couldn’t place where I’d seen her before. Our eyes locked as she attempted a strained smile, looking up
at me furtively.
I probably recognise her from my dreams. Fuck, she’s hot.
I tried to act casual as I ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. I knocked the whiskey back in one, pleased at the almost too harsh burn, gasping gratefully.
The dark-haired girl passed me a beer with a shaky hand. I offered her a drink and her colleague too. Not that I wanted to buy them both one, I just didn’t want to seem rude. To my surprise, she refused, mumbling that she had a drink already.
I promised I’d buy her one at some point in the evening as I headed back to the booth.
What’s got into this girl? I’m not that scary, am I? Guess I’ll try and be a bit nicer when I get the next drink and hope she hasn’t run off by then.
I shuffled into the booth opposite Lucas and took a huge swig of beer, trying my best to drink the same amount as he had in one go. I didn’t do half bad, either.
Lucas raised his glass in toast. “Here’s to you, bro. Good luck with the case. Let me know if you need any help, eyes on the street or whatever. Got a few guys I know are straight as a die, would be happy to help clean this town up.”
“Thanks, Lucas,” I said, raising my glass in a toast and taking another gulp of ice cold beer.
“There is something I need done It’ll be the last time I talk about work until Monday. Promise.”
Lucas nodded back at me, smiling. “Ask away, bro.”
“Can you come in to see the Lieutenant first thing Monday? Bring anything and anyone you got on this new meth, locations, names. I’m pretty sure we got a case. Lieutenant seems worried anyway. I need everything I can get.”
“Sure thing, Jack. I’ll have a chat with the other guys tomorrow. There’s at least two who have some info. I’ll bring them in to see the Lieutenant Monday. No problem.”
I sighed and sank back into the comfortable leather of the booth behind me I started to relax as I pushed the thoughts of the case from my mind, resolving to think about it again tomorrow. I’d do a bit of planning and brainstorming over the weekend, ready to get started first thing on Monday.
Ain’t as if I got a woman to keep me busy.
I’d been single for years. My time undercover had taken over my life and hadn’t left me with any time to actually meet anyone. Other than gangsters and meth heads. But now I’d made detective, I had a bit more time to myself, and had started to think about how nice it would be to have someone. Someone sexy, to have fun with. Maybe more. Hell, I’m not getting any younger.