Page 127 of 5+Us Makes Seven
“Now, as it is no one knows I’m here. I’m looking into Conall solo, and I’ve been damn sly about it so far. So if you think anyone’s coming to help, you’re wrong.” He winced, managing to sit up, hand at the wound in his chest that was pulsing blood onto his wooden floor.
“So, here’s how this went down in my report. I came here to ask you a few questions. Friendly like. You swung at me. I hit you. You drew a gun and got shot. It’s my word against yours, a known snitch.” I looked down at him as he cowered pathetically in front of me.
“I’m taking you in, John. You had your second chance. We made a deal and you blew it. Game’s over now. All you can do is make things a little easier for yourself, right?” He nodded at me.
“Tell me where Conall’s lab is. Where they cook. You tell me that and I’ll let you make a deal with us. Sing like a bird and you won’t go away for the rest of your life.” He was looking down at the floor, his face flooded with despair.
“Jack. I never told Conall about nothing, I promise. I just needed more money. You know what it’s like. I was getting peanuts while the other guys were talking about their new houses. Watches. Cars. Wives.” He looked up at me, pleading.
“Listen. I’m rolling with Conall now. One of his trusted. I got cash, man. Lots of it. I can have a word with Conall, we ca….”
I shot him in the left thigh, trying to avoid any major blood vessels but still made sure the wound was deep enough to sear with excruciating pain. He cried out, sobbing.
“Tell me where the lab is John, or I will kill you. You’re useless to me otherwise.” I walked over to him, handcuffing him with a little difficulty as he struggled in pain.
I took his gun and threw it to one side. I looked around the apartment. My eyes widened as I saw a large bag of meth sitting on a glass coffee table. A couple lines were arrayed haphazardly next to the bag.
Wow. His stupidity never ceases to amaze.
Goldie spoke to me through gritted teeth. “Alright man, I’ll do it. I don’t wanna die. There’s an old warehouse over the rough side of town. 42nd, the old industrial district. Pretty much deserted nowadays, but there's a building there Conall’s got as his lab. Got his uncle's old cook making the meth. Using the old materials, they managed to hide just before they got busted.” He grunted with pain.
“If you’re lying, I’m gonna get word to the O’Rourkes that you snitched. I got contacts inside. You’ll face a much more unpleasant end than the one I’m offering. So just rack your brains, right?” He was nodding.
I read him his rights, citing him for drug dealing, assault, drug possession, attempted assault and murder of a police officer.
My phone rang just after I’d finished reciting.
An unknown number flashed on the screen as I swiped it to answer.
“Jack Storm,” I said, frowning.
“Jack! It’s Eden. Conall’s here. Banging on the door, he sounds pissed. You gotta get here!” She sounded scared, and I could hear faint banging and shouting in the background.
“Keep the door locked, Eden. Barricade it if you have to. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” I hung up, looking down at Goldie.
“Looks like I won’t have the pleasure of busting you. Damn shame.” I quickly dialed Lucas’s number, breathing out with relief as he answered quickly.
“Lucas, listen. I need a favor. Sorry for calling you on a Saturday, but you gotta do something for me, now. Grab your badge and gun, get in the car. I’m gonna give you a location. You gotta come bust a dealer, the meth is here in the living room. He’s been shot… twice. Better call an ambulance, too.”
I gave Lucas my location and checked Goldie’s cuffs, snapping them tight against his fat wrists. I tied his legs together at the ankles with a couple cable ties, just to be sure.
Then I sprinted out to the car. Time for a meeting with Conall.
I watched Jack leave, eyes on his naked butt as he walked off to get dressed in the kitchen. I sighed, memories of last night still fresh in my mind. I wanted more of him, and just having him close to me as I dozed was amazing. My heart sank slightly at the thought of a day of loneliness ahead of me.
I guess I’ll have to get used to it, dating a detective. Mysterious. Out there somewhere fighting the bad guys.
I kept thinking of Jack’s naked body. The way he’d been both gentle and dominant, experienced but not selfish. He was muscled yet slim and athletic in
the all right places.
I lay in the bed idly for a while, hand resting on my palm as I gazed at the ceiling above me. I wondered at the chances of meeting Jack, the one who was determined to take down Conall. He was the best detective in town, the only one who would stop at nothing to see the streets safe once again.
I felt like it was somehow meant to be that I had a part to play in this too. I didn’t want to put myself in danger, but I didn’t want Conall squirming his way out of trouble again only to rear his ugly head years down the line, when I thought he was finally gone for good.