Page 140 of 5+Us Makes Seven
A figure slowly emerged, hands flat on his head as he stepped awkwardly into the dim light illuminating him from above. Fear and awe showed in his eyes as he looked at me.
“Don’t shoot me, please. I got kids, man. Two boys.” He kneeled down slowly, then dropped to his face, hands still on his head.
“It’s just me left and the old guy left. Ain’t no point me dying for nothin’, you’re too good,” he said, voice muffled.
That’s right. I can see you’ve done this before. Not the first time you’ve been arrested. Well, that’s one more scumbag off the streets. And another witness to use against Conall.
I approached the guy as he lay there still as he’d promised. I quickly tied him up and searched him for weapons, not finding any. I then searched the building. What the guy had said was true. No one left. Except…
I walked over to the hatch.
“Listen to me, old timer! Game’s up. Come out of the hatch with your hands on your head! Try anything stupid and you won't even have time for your scummy life to flash before your eyes! Get up here now, slow and steady!” I shouted, voice loud and clear as I waited for the guy to do what I said or make a grave mistake. My gun was trained on the hatch as it opened slowly.
“Ok. I’m coming out. I’m not armed. Don’t shoot me alright? I ain’t a bad guy, I’m just the cook. Don’t know nothing about guns,” he said, as his head appeared slowly. Boots thudded as he walked up the stairs, hands raised.
“As far as I’m concerned you’re one of the bad guys. You’ll be going downtown with these other two morons. Get on your face, like your friend there. Slow and steady, old man.”
He sank to his knees and dropped heavily to the floor, grunting as his face slapped the tiles.
I tied him up and checked him to make sure he wasn’t lying about guns.
Nothing, just a pack of smokes. Good.
I walked over to the hatch and peered in. My eyes widened at what I saw.
The equipment filled the small basement, jars, burners, chemicals and tubes connected in a mind-boggling setup. By far the biggest I’d seen.
I walked slowly down into the basement, taking in a deep breath as I studied the room’s contents. There was no one else down here. Just a shit load of drugs and equipment.
Time to call this in.
I jogged back up to the ground floor and checked to ensure all three bindings on the perps were secure. Cathal had passed out, and the other two were motionless.
Satisfied, I ran back to my car, eyes sweeping for movement. I didn’t see anything.
I grabbed my cell, and my breath caught in my throat.
Five missed calls from Lucas. Shit.
It started ringing again. Lucas was calling me, desperate to get hold of me. A tight coldness entered my stomach, and I feared for the worst.
“Lucas, talk to me!” I said after swiping at the phone.
“Jack, fuck. Glad you answered. I’m hurt, man. Real bad.” Coughing sounded on the other end of the line as Lucas spoke, his voice cracking with pain.
“Conall! Conall O’Rourke came here, man. Beat me up. I can’t move, Maria's holding the phone…” He coughed again.
“He came in, took me by surprise. I wasn’t quick enough, Jack. He threatened to kill my wife and kids if I didn’t tell him where Eden was. I’m sorry Jack. So sorry…” His voice trailed off and I heard sobbing coming from Lucas and his wife.
“Lucas! Listen to me, don’t apologise. You done great, alright. You did everything you could. If it weren’t for you, he’d be at her house now, smashing in the door. Tell me where she is, and then get Maria to call you an ambulance!” I said quickly. I memorised the location he gave me, visualising the long straight road out of town that would take me to Eden. It was about ten minutes from where I was.
Lucas told me through gritted teeth and waves of pain that Conall had just left a little while ago. He had a headstart on me. I shouted for Maria and told her to call an ambulance for Lucas. I promised I’d get a cop to them in as soon as possible.
I called my Lieutenant, and he answered in a second.
“Jack, what’s ha…”
“Sir, I’ve busted the lab. Didn’t have a choice, they were packing up. Conall must have panicked. I need you to come here with backup and arrest the guys I’ve tied up. One is hurt bad, you better call an ambulance for him or he’s gonna bleed out.”