Page 172 of 5+Us Makes Seven
“Thank you,” I said, my voice husky with arousal.
“You don’t have to thank me. I just wanted to keep you safe.” He paused, taking a deep to look into my eyes.
“I want to thank you,” I said. “Once we get back to the hotel, I want to thank you properly.” My hand slid over his thigh, grabbing his already hard cock and squeezing it. I moved my hand up and down his shaft through his pants, increasing in speed as we neared the hotel.
He moaned gently. “Careful, Lex. I gotta drive.”
Sighing, I removed my hand.
Cruz cleared his throat. “I didn’t say move your hand. Keep it right there. Just…be gentle.”
A smile crept onto my lips, and I found myself turned on even more when he told me what to do. I was pretty sure I was so wet I’d soaked through my panties and onto my dress.
“Whatever you say,” I whispered into his ear.
He groaned again.
The five-minute drive seemed agonizingly long, the anticipation of finally getting Cruz inside me seeming to distort time.
Eventually we arrived back at the hotel. Cruz parked the car haphazardly and was out of the door in an instant. I saw him throw the car keys at an approaching valet.
All of a sudden, my door was wrenched open and big, rough hands grabbed me around the waist, pulling me from the car. I ground my hips against his, my sense of shame forgotten as we stood there in front of the hotel.
I stared deeply into his blue eyes for a second, the world around me forgotten for a wonderful moment.
A mischievous glint lit up in his eyes. He smiled at me, and for the first time, his smile didn’t look menacing. Instead, he looked more handsome.
Suddenly, he picked me up and put me on his shoulders before walking towards the front door of the hotel.
I squealed in delight.
I effortlessly picked Alexandra up and put her onto my shoulder, carrying her into the hotel in a fireman's carry. It was the only way I thought I could get her into the hotel without us fucking in the street or in the lobby.
I wanted to at least get to the elevator…
Incredulous eyes were on me as I carried Alexandra through the door and towards the elevator, her squeals attracting attention and a few raised eyebrows. But I didn’t give a fuck. In fact, I was enjoying myself.
Plus, Alexandra’s commotion thankfully drew everyone's attention away from the massive erection clearly visible through my suit pants.
There was an awkward exchange with the bellboy at the elevator, who didn’t know where to look.
“Top floor,” I said, hoping the elevator would hurry the fuck up.
Luckily, it did.
The bellboy sensibly decided not to follow us in. Neither did the other guests who’d arrived behind me.
The doors slid closed behind us, and I pressed the button for the top floor.
I was still holding Alexandra over my shoulder. She had started squirming. “You can put me down now,” she whispered in my ear.
“Whatever you say, miss.” I grabbed her under her arms and lowered her onto my chest, holding her so that her face was in front of mine. She draped her arms o
ver my shoulders and wrapped her legs around my hips. I grabbed her thighs and pulled her close to me. Her dress had lifted, and I felt the warmth from her seeping through onto my cock.
I kissed her gently on the lips, and she kissed me back passionately. Her tongue entered my mouth, caressing mine slowly. Her mouth tasted sweet as I returned the kiss, passion increasing as she grabbed the back of my neck, caressing me with her hand. I ground her onto me, slowly and rhythmically.