Page 179 of 5+Us Makes Seven
“You bastard,” she laughed.
I pointed a finger at her. “Don’t mess with me, doll. I got shitloads more ice.”
The plane trip had been all too short, the hour-and-a-half flying by as we chatted. Or, as I chatted, more accurately. Cruz had returned to his gruff self for the most part. I still saw flashes of the man that I’d seen come out of his shell last night though.
As soon as the plane grounded, I saw a change come over him. He sat up straight, finishing the last of his third whiskey, swallowing the remaining half-glass with one gulp. And then he was on his feet as soon as the plane came to a stop. His eyes were cold, surveying the passengers around us. I saw him breathing deeply.
He was more than cool. He was ice-cold with the eyes of a killer, preparing and getting in the zone. His pose was solid, arms slightly raised, palms face up, muscles bunched, jaw clenched. The sight made me scared and horny at the same time.
I wondered if I was actually in any danger at all with Cruz by my side. I almost felt sorry for anyone who tried to mess with him.
He came around to my side of the aisle, standing protectively behind me. I could feel the presence of his reassuring frame shadowing me; I would be invisible to anyone standing behind him.
His arms circled me protectively as we moved towards the exit, his huge hands settled on my waist. We walked in time as we headed towards passport control.
All of a sudden, his pace quickened, and he came to my side now, ushering me towards the gate. Crowds of people seemed to part as he strode through, subconsciously avoiding him.
We were through in no time.
“Ain’t got time to get the bags, Lex. Stick with me. We need to get the fuck outta here, right now. Stay cool, okay?”
I felt a twinge of panic in my stomach and started looking around at the crowds of people milling here and there, wondering what Cruz had seen.
I guessed he had plied me with champagne to ease my nerves, which had definitely helped.
I had a few spare clothes in my hold-all, which would have to do.
I tried to breathe slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth, imitating Cruz. Soon, I started to feel a relaxed and almost meditative calm come over me as we reached our car.
I didn’t know a great deal about cars, but this one was sleek. A black Mercedes coupe, smaller than the large saloon we’d had in Paris. But just as luxurious. The car looked both sleek and mean.
A vision of Cruz in his suit the night before rose into my mind.
“Gotta thank your dad for this when we get back. AMG.” He patted the car as he opened the door to let me in, shielding me with his body. “If they keep up, I’ll be amazed.”
As soon as I was in the car Cruz jumped across the hood and was in the driver's seat in a second.
“Was that really necessary? Show-off,” I said.
His face was hard. “Hold on to something, Lex. But not my cock this time.”
Moments later, I was stunned into silence as the car roared from the terminal, tires screaming and smoke billowing from them as we sped away at breakneck speed.
I was left breathless at the raw power of the car as I was thrown back into the bucket sports seat. I held onto the door’s armrest for dear life.
As we were leaving the place I’d seen a few figures following us. I recognized one of the Russians who I’d bumped into on the flight to Paris. There were at least three others, probably more lurking in the shadows.
They were close. This was it. It was time to stop thinking.
The sheer power of the car I drove was even a shock to me. I’d done getaway driving in the past, but this car was something else.
As I accelerated out onto the main road, tires and loud engines revved behind me. Two cars were on my tail, swerving around shocked drivers.
The game was up now. I just had to be one step ahead. Set up the first meeting so it went in my favor.