Page 427 of 5+Us Makes Seven
Anything done within the company is subject to a bunch of complicated business laws that I never bothered to really know. I just listen to human resources and don’t leave myself subject to sexual harassment. It’s a wonder I haven’t failed that task. But Stacy knows better than anyone what’s best for the company, and she knows about the meeting we have today. Why would she come and do this now?
“I know that. But you could at least hear me out.”
“Hear you out?” Logan raised his voice. Stacy held up her hands and jutted back in shock, giving him a look that said why on earth are you shouting at me. She always had this entitled aura about her, and it usually goes unnoticed since we don’t see her very much unless there is a new launch. But right now it’s getting under my skin and it made me pour another drink.
“Yes. I think I have a good idea, and if you would just look at it…” Logan cut her off.
“I won’t be looking at anything. Have you even finalized the PR packet for our new start-up?” Logan asked her. I wondered what was even up his ass today, usually he isn’t this rude. I’m the asshole in this duo.
“No, because it isn’t important.” She crosses her arms defiantly and sticks her nose out.
“Excuse you, it is important.” I murmured.
Her and Logan go at it for quite a while, firing back a bunch of banter they must have paid attention to in college. I barely recognized most of the terms but I got most of it. Stacy isn’t doing her job, for whatever reason I have no clue. She had been looking out for herself. She only met Madeline once, so maybe she was jealous. Maybe she didn’t like what was going on. She may not even know we were sleeping together, but for some reason she couldn’t stop bringing up our start-up. We hadn’t even named it yet and she wanted to stomp on it. It didn’t make any sense to me.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just have an open mind.”
“Maybe because you stopped doing your job weeks ago! Where is the last press packet I asked for over a week ago?” Logan scolded her.
He crossed his arms and glared at her. I stood with my hands on my hips, watching the scene unfold and trying not to laugh. I knew it was serious, we can’t lose a PR director, but we could hire one just the same. We have resumes up our ass from people who want to work for us. I would do anything to stop this madness.
“It’s hard to get anything done around here, what with your new collegiate whore running around.” She spat.
I pointed my finger angrily at her, “that’s enough. You don’t talk about her like that. I’m about done with this conversation.” I rolled my shoulders and stood back, glancing at Logan.
“Stacy, you’re fired. You can take your courtesy two weeks if you want. But I don’t want you coming into the office anymore, and your office will be cleared out tomorrow.” Logan frowned and practically growled at her.
She gasped as she stared at us, with her mouth open. She looked over to me, as if to plead with me or something. I looked away. Maybe I felt a little bad, but I always stand with Logan. Even if I missed half the conversation they had. I trusted that why he fired her was justified. Maybe I don’t pay much attention to what goes on around here.
“Logan.” She pleads. We both knew she was trying to stay strong.
She looked to both of us again, and Logan didn’t say anything. The tension in the air was thick, and strong. I could hear Logan’s labored breathing of anger. When the tension was at its thickest, she finally turned on her heel and left, slamming the door behind her.
I let out a deep exhale, and poured Logan a drink. He looked like he needed one, with his face all red. I keep telling him to tan but he doesn’t listen. Most of my workouts I did outside, so I tanned naturally. Anyway, I poured his scotch and he drank it greedily.
“So, I missed half that conversation. What happened?” I sat on the couch, and looked at him apprehensively. He shook his head and blew out a breath of exasperation.
“Stacy came in my office to show me the budget from the last three months. But it wasn’t adding up, maybe she didn’t expect me to check it. But I did. Anyway, she tried to play it off but then she started asking us to invest in one of her ideas.”
“What idea?” I leaned back and casually spread my legs. The only thing that would make me feel better was if Madeline was between them.
“I didn’t even listen, dude. I was pissed off.” He scoffed. He swirled the last sip of scotch and then downed it before he slammed the glass on the counter.
“Well, why did you bring all that shouting in here?” I was mostly joking, and he wasn’t amused. He glared at me with his angry expression.
“I wanted it to look like a joint effort.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well, it was. If you thought it was best to fire her. But we have three new launches coming up, who is going to do our PR?” I asked him.
He shrugged. It wasn’t something he had thought about, obviously. But Logan could quickly make plans.
“I don’t know. I can look through the resumes we have on file. Someone can be in tomorrow, I bet.”
I nodded in agreement. A lot of people wanted to work for us. With the college just down the street everyone was pining for our internships and training programs. We had a lot of opportunities people were eager to get into. Still, it wasn’t the time to try and hire a new person. We have introductory periods, training periods, and a bunch of other shit. We may have to freelance someone we had used before.
“I guess. When is that meeting?” I glanced at my Rolex.
“Ten minutes. Madeline should be here soon.”