Page 6 of 5+Us Makes Seven
“Logan scored me a job interview. A full-time nannying position.”
“Well, that’s awesome. What’s the pay?” she asked.
“He says it’s decent. Enough for me to finally have my own health insurance, which is nice.”
“You gonna go?”
“Hell yeah, I am. I need a job, and I need it as soon as I can. Even with my investments, San Francisco will eat it up within the next three months,” I said.
“Well, I hope it all goes well. But you know being a full-time nanny will cut into your love life.”
“Yes. My nonexistent love life with this nonexistent man who’s chiseled like a god.”
“They’re out there, and I’m sure they’d be all over your tanned skin and curves.”
“Men don’t like curves,” I said. “Besides, I’m good in the man department.”
“And you think being thin in this world’s any easier? I’ve got as many people cat-calling me while I’m walking down the sidewalk as I do yelling that I should eat a cheeseburger. One cheeseburger? I eat three in one sitting and I’m still underweight.”
“We live some seriously messed up lives, don’t we?” I asked.
“Don’t get me started,” she said.
“So how’s your career going? Are you still doing photography? I know the last time we talked you were fed up with it.”
“Brides can be rough, but I’m still doing the photography. I’ve actually got plans within the next couple of years to open my own studio.”
“Wait, when did this happen?” I asked.
“A few weeks ago, I scored a couple of serious long-term contracts. One with Terra Gallery to be their go-to wedding photographer for all the weddings they book and one with SF Weekly.”
“The newspaper?” I asked.
“Yep. They want me to be their resident photographer that captures all the pictures needed for their front-page reports on their websites. I’ll be working directly with the writers and collaborating with them. Both contracts will get my name out there and they both have me wrapped up into five-year contracts.”
“Emma, that’s incredible!”
I launched myself at her and wrapped my arms around her neck.
“I’m so happy for you,” I said.
“So now we have to land you this nannying position so we can bitch about how much we hate work,” Emma said. “But for the meantime, you’re coming with me.”
“We just drank a bottle of wine. I don’t think we should go anywhere.”
“Then we’ll call a cab. But you aren’t staying here and sleeping on the floor with some blankets another night. You’re coming to sleep on my couch and you’ll stay there until your damn furniture arrives. And if they call again tomorrow telling you they have to postpone, then you’ll ask for a refund and we’ll get that shit ourselves. It’s time we put your life back together.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Nat, I’m your best friend. I know when something’s weighing on your shoulders. I don’t know what happened in Bria, but something did. I can see it in your eyes. And when you’re ready to talk, I’m ready to listen. But you need help piecing your life back together. I know you better than this. Two days into you not having furniture, you would’ve been breathing down someone’s neck.”
I sighed and shook my head as my gaze fell to my lap.
“I’m not ready to talk about it,” I said.
“And that’s fine. When you’re ready, I’m here. But until then? I’m gonna help you piece things back together. Starting with sleeping you on my couch. We’ll tackle your furniture tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Emma.”