Page 127 of Mr. Charming
I looked across the bare, open office at Max, still not sure what to think about his proposal.
“Huh? What did I tell you? It’s fucking perfect, right?”
“It’s nice,” I said, surprised. “And the location is good, but…”
“But what?” he interrupted.
“I’m not looking for a business partner right now.”
“Bullshit, man. That money we made isn’t going to last forever.”
“Hey, have you heard from anyone in Afghanistan recently?”
“No, why?” he asked.
“No reason,” I lied, wondering why Aamir had only called me.
Was it all a setup of some sort? I shouldn’t trust Max.
“I’m telling you man, the time to strike is now. I got a few high-end clients lined up already.”
“Like who?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“See, what kind of partnership can we have when you don’t tell me shit?”
He took a deep breath, staring into my eyes for a moment.
“You know what, man. You’re right. I have to tell you something.”
Uh oh. Here we go.
“You remember that chick from Afghanistan I liked?”
“Which one?”
I grinned.
“Fair enough. The journalist chick.”
What the fuck?
“Jade?” I asked, feigning ignorance until I figured out what was going on.
“Yeah, that’s her. I hooked up with her recently.”
“Oh yeah? How recently?”
“A few nights ago. Banged the fuck out of her, but she’s not for me. I don’t like the lip on her, if you know what I mean.”
He laughed all by himself.
“Anyway, I moved on to this friend of hers who fucks even better. I’m on a roll, I tell you. The next chick is going to be the best.”
I shook my head. Had she actually fucked him? Logan hadn’t told me anything about that, but I didn’t put it past him. She didn’t seem like the type of woman who would sleep with Max, but how well did I know her? Not very.
“She’s an uptight bitch,” Max continued. “I don’t know what you saw in her over there in the Stan. On a positive note, this friend of hers is fucking intense in the sack. She sucked my dick about ten minutes after we met.”