Page 161 of Mr. Charming
“You come with us,” one man barked, moving his assault weapon erratically.
“Do what he says,” I whispered to Jade. “Stay calm. We’ll get through this…”
She said nothing as the men led us to a waiting van around the corner. They put hoods over our heads. Why the hell did I agree to come back and put both of us in danger?
I had no answers to my simple questions, let alone the more difficult ones.
As soon as the hood came off, I realized they had taken Jade somewhere else.
“Where is she?” I yelled.
Unseen hands pushed my back, sending me forward, almost falling to the dirt floor.
Are we in a fucking cave?
“Settle down, Cooper,” Max said as he emerged from the darkness.
A half-dozen other men, all heavily armed, formed a circle around me.
Surrounded by strong and intimidating men, my thoughts were still solely on the safety of Jade. Where is she?
“What? You’ve got nothing to say?”
Max laughed. I glared at him.
“Where’s Jade?”
“The bitch is fine.”
I lunged toward him. He pulled out a stun-gun and hit me with at least fifty-thousand volts, sending me to the ground. As I writhed in pain, he laughed, followed by the other men.
“Where’s Jade?” I yelled as I slowly got to my feet.
“You don’t need to worry about that bitch,” Max said, staring into my eyes.
His were devoid of life.
“Why are you doing this?” I asked.
“Why not?” he said with a chuckle. “You could have been on the winning side in this, but you had to be a punk-ass pussy and drop out. We were going to let you go until that bitch published her story.”
“You were behind the Afghani calling her?”
“Wow. You really are dense, aren’t you?”
He shoved his hand with the stun-gun forward and pressed the button, causing me to flinch. Another round of laughter filled the cavern.
Think, Cooper. It’s sink or swim time. You HAVE to save her.
“You should have stuck with us or kept your mouth shut. Now you will pay. Bring the woman in here.”
I watched in horror as they dragged Jade, kicking and screaming, into the cavern.
“Leave her alone,” I said, rushing over.
Before I made it to them, they shoved her to the floor of the cave. I went down on my knees next to her.