Page 19 of Mr. Charming
I rounded the corner and I saw her from the side. It was obvious that it was her, that hair couldn’t be missed, neither could the smooth, porcelain over lay of her skin.
I had definitely never seen her at these functions, and as I got closer I wished it was her I met ten years ago and not Vivian. I felt my cock slightly stir in my pants and I racked my brain for something to say to make my presence known.
“It’s a lot nicer out here, isn’t it?”
Her shoulders rose with her surprise. She turned and faced me, her blue eyes piercing a storm right through me. Fuck, she was beautiful. Her face was so delicate, and soft. She’s young, but not so much so. And she had the cutest freckles lining her nose and under her eyes, I was glad she didn’t hide them with her makeup.
“It is, yes.”
I smirked and came closer to her cautiously. I stood a few paces from her, and she looked up at me. Her eyes wide as she blinked a few times. They were so big, they kind of reminded me of a baby doll’s.
“I had to escape the crowd in there…these flowers are amazing. Peaceful.”
She blushed slightly as I said that, but she hid it with a smile.
“They are, I was about to look around, but I was afraid I would get lost.” She giggled.
I felt something clench inside of me at the sound of her laugh, it was like she didn’t laugh often. And I wanted to change that.
“I know my way around,” I held out my hand. She stared apprehensively before she eventually took it and stood up.
It was kind of nice, her not jumping at the bit to talk to me or touch me. On the way out here, I could barely get a few steps in before a woman had some pickup line or bumped into me by accident. On purpose. They were all pretty, decent enough to spend a night with. But I just couldn’t do it, had no interest. But this woman…she was something else.
“Walk with me.”
She chewed the inside of her lip nervously but came with me anyway. I didn’t let go of her hand, and she fit nicely by my side.
And she smelled like flowers; not the blooming type, but the kind they bottled up and sold for a ridiculous price.
I twined my fingers with hers. I wanted to ask her more of something, of anything. But all I could think about was getting inside of her, tasting her.
Her brow furrowed as she looked up at me, but she didn’t say anything. She may have known who I was, but she didn’t say anything. I appreciated it more than I thought I would.
“How did you end up coming to this event tonight?”
I think I was making baseless conversation to make up for the heat I felt between us. I had a burning itch to kiss those peachy lips of hers, to feel her up against me. But I had to read her first, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted this to be a one-time thing or not…I was getting ahead of myself anyway.
“Um, a friend invited me. I thought it would be something to do other than…what I usually do.” She trailed. I think she was rambling. Did I make her nervous?
I hoped not. I was more comfortable around her than I was with anyone else.
“And what is that?”
I stopped her by the stone wall, lined with over growing creeping plants. Gently, I placed my hand on the other side of her hip. I was inches away from her, feeling the tug of war between us. She had to want me too, the way her eyes were looking at me; wide and curious.
“Um, Netflix. And frozen dinners.” I couldn’t help but laugh. She was honest, I missed that in people.
No one in my social circle was honest at all, they were all just trying to fit in.
“Hmm, never tried that.” I licked my lips, and her eyes caught mine, then drifted down to my lips too.
“This isn’t my usual scene, if you couldn’t tell.” She let out a nervous giggle. Somehow the sound went straight to my cock, just hardening it further. But I didn’t understand what she meant so my brow only furrowed in response.
“No, not at all. Why do you say that?” I asked her. She stepped off to the side and walked slowly, and I followed her.
“No reason. I thought it was obvious I didn’t fit in. Why else would I be out here, while everyone is in there?” She gestured to the ballroom, where I heard the cheering. It must be the blind auction.