Page 214 of Mr. Charming
“Yes, I suppose that would work.” She sat up straight and crossed her legs. She looked so prim and proper, but I knew she had a darker side. A wild side.
“We close the office around five. So, you can come then.”
“Okay.” She smiled softly.
Jake helped himself to another drink. I was starting to think he was trying to give himself whisky dick, hell, we both needed something to keep us from pouncing.
“We usually have a few interns in the office, but it didn’t work out like that this year. You’ll have the office to yourself for your work.” I said.
“What kind of work will I be doing?”
Was she sounding like that on purpose? All sultry and even with her voice. Something told me it was just her voice; going right to my cock.
“Uh, different types. All relating to business of course. You can sit in on certain meetings, and once we get your startup off the ground, you will be a lot more involved in that.” Jake answered this time.
“How long will it be?”
It was like I had never thought of it before when the question was posed. It would end eventually, and then we were supposed to part ways and go about our lives. We would have always been her mentors, but why was the thought of not being around her so daunting?
“Hard to say.” I shrugged. She stifled a grin as she looked at us both. Jake sipped his drink.
“What should I call you both, sir?” Jake spit his drink out and I chuckled softly.
“Um, anything you want.” I answered for him. Though Madeline looked terrified at Jake’s reaction. If it wasn’t obvious before…
“Okay. Sorry.” She giggled a bit. Hmm, what a soft and intoxicating sound. Her laugh.
“For what?” I smiled softly.
“Nothing,” she shook her head. “Nothing.”
She had a few more questions, but they were all formalities. She was very serious about this and eager to learn. Was that a fetish of some sort? Because I couldn’t keep my desire for her at bay. After a little bit more talking, she signed the NDA.
There would be a lot more documents later on, but for now that was it. It just said she couldn’t talk about the arrangement with her startup. The idea was technically still hers, but we had bought the rights to it.
“What are your plans after graduation?” I asked her. She shrugged.
“I hoped to have my own company by then, but maybe that is wishful thinking. If I could get a good job in my field I would be glad. Most people don’t even get that.”
“That’s true.” Jake answered.
We walked her out, and I innocently shook her hand in goodnight while Jake kissed her cheek. I glared at him. I knew he only did that because of my reservations on her being a student.
Once we said our goodbyes, it was hard watching her go.
“We are in for it, man,” I told Jake back inside.
“I know. And to be her mentor…that would be a lot of wires that shouldn’t get crossed,” Jake added.
“We have to figure it out.”
He agreed.
Because we were not letting her go.