Page 292 of Mr. Charming
A couple of seconds later, her pussy contracted and pulled me further in, followed by a series of spasms, which triggered my own orgasm. Holding her against me, I thrust one last time and sent all my sperm into her, feeling like the luckiest guy alive.
“We really have to cut this out,” I said, pulling my dress back on and feeling a hysterical laugh threatening to break free.
Anderson grinned as he finished buttoning his pants and pulled his suit jacket back on. “Hey, you started it.”
“I did not!”
“Yes, you did. You challenged me, and I just rose to the occasion.” He winked, and I laughed at the pun. Well played Anderson.
“Whatever,” I said and then gave him a peck on the lips. “How’s my hair?”
“Not a strand out of place, from what I can see. It is pretty dark in here though…”
I ran my hand over my hair self-consciously, hoping it didn’t look too disheveled. “Do you think anyone noticed us missing?”
Anderson shook his head. “No. People are dancing, and everyone’s bound to have had several drinks by now. No one should have noticed anything unless they were spying on us all along. And I don’t think anyone would have had a reason for that.”
“Let’s hope not.”
“Why? Do you want to stay here for the rest of the night?” Anderson asked, the devilish grin spreading across his face.
“You’re just asking for trouble, aren’t you?”
“I’m asking for whatever it takes to give me more time with you,” he said, and then kissed my earlobe.
I laughed and pushed him away. “Stop it! Seriously, we have to go back out there and be decent.”
“Yeah, I guess…” He sighed. “Oh shit…”
Anderson pulled up his sleeve to glance at his watch. “It’s almost time for your brother’s speech. He’ll definitely notice us missing if we aren’t back out there.”
I swore. “I almost forget he was giving one,” I said, feeling slightly panicked. It was preposterous that I’d nearly forgotten, for I had seen him writing and practicing it all throughout the previous week. I sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”
“Yeah,” Anderson said, resigned.
I recalled that the bathrooms were just down the hall from the closet we’d snuck off to, which was perfect. I needed to make a stop in the ladies’ room to make sure I still looked presentable, and that there were no signs of what had just transpired.
I reached for the doorknob.
“Careful,” Anderson warned. “Make sure no one is in the hall.”
I cracked the door open just slightly, peeking out into the hall. “The coast is clear,” I said, seeing no one in the hall or exiting the restrooms.
Anderson stepped up behind me and slid his hand onto my waist as we exited the closet. “Let’s just try to get through a couple more hours, and then maybe we can sneak out of here altogether,” he said.
I was just about to respond when the words froze right in my throat.
The door to the men’s restroom swung open, and out walked none other than my brother.
He paused, staring at the two of us exiting the closet, and at Anderson’s hand on my waist.
Anderson instantly dropped his hand and took a step away.