Page 68 of Mr. Charming
After hearing stories about how kidnapped women were treated in Afghanistan, I told myself I had to keep fighting until there were no other options.
“Allah Akbar!”
At the familiar cry of martyrdom, I heard gunfire and men screaming in English. This was my chance.
I turned and ran to the left, hoping for a clear getaway and avoiding the fire. The hood over my head made the struggle significantly more difficult, but time was of the essence and I had mere seconds in the midst of chaos.
Gunfire continued ringing out as I ran face first into a wall. Dropping to the ground, I curled up in a fetal position, hoping for the best.
As the shots died down, I heard American soldiers barking orders. I struggled to my feet and screamed at the top of my lungs, “Help! I’m an American!”
“Jade? Is that you?” Cooper, a soldier from FOB Cobra, asked.
“Yes!” I said.
Panic still had control over my body as I shook. My knees buckled beneath me, and I fell to the ground. I was saved by strong arms. The hood came off, and I saw the most amazing man in the world.
Our eyes locked. All the chaos around the market faded into the background for a split second that seemed like an eternity. He smiled, white teeth standing out on his dirt-covered face.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I am now. How did you know I was here?”
“We didn’t know you were here. This was supposed to be a routine check-up on activity at the market.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
“You’re lucky to be alive.”
He lifted me up by my shoulders, making sure I was balanced before releasing his firm grip.
“Let’s get you back,” he said as he untied my hands. “There you go.”
I rubbed my wrists, looking around the market.
“Is anyone…dead?”
He nodded somberly.
“Let’s get out of here before something else hits.”
I grabbed his arm and followed as he led us back to the Humvee convoy on the edge of the market.
I sat in back of the Humvee as it roared down the dirt road toward FOB Cobra, one of the few forward operating bases still open in Afghanistan. Cooper sat in the passenger seat up front.
“You snuck out without your escort,” he said, bending his torso to look back at me. “You’re damn lucky. Those guys were about to take you to the desert and turn you into a sex slave.”
I took a deep breath and stared out the side window. My stomach churned.
Why the hell did I come to Afghanistan in the first place? Oh yeah…
“Are you even listening?” he asked, his voice escalated.
“I am, but…”