Page 87 of Mr. Charming
I smiled, my heart still racing.
“Fine. I’ll stop by tomorrow. If you need anything just yell. I’ll come running.”
“He won’t bother you again. I can promise that.”
She moved her hand away. I missed her touch.
“Have a good night, Jade.”
“You too, Cooper.”
I walked outside her CHU, closing the door behind me. The half-full moon had risen in the sky as I walked to the sleeping quarters I shared with Logan.
I saw Max standing outside the door. He punched his fist into the palm of his other hand and shrugged his shoulders a few times.
Do you want more? I’ll give it to you.
He tilted his head back and puffed out his chest. I stopped in front of him.
“We can’t be fighting over pussy, bro.”
“I’m not fighting over anything.”
“Oh, so you didn’t sucker punch me?”
He laughed.
“What do you want, Max?”
“I want to make sure you don’t open your stupid mouth to that reporter chick about what we got going on.”
“What you got going on,” I said. “I’ve told you I want nothing to do with it anymore.”
“And I’ve said you don’t have a choice in the matter.”
His chest bumped against mine as he stepped forward.
“Hey, Cooper,” Logan called from behind Max. “You coming in, bro?”
“I’ll be there in a second,” I said. “Me and Max have some stuff to work out.”
“Alright, man. No more of that fighting bullshit.”
“He said go inside!” Max yelled, not taking his eyes off mine.
The door closed. I concentrated on my breathing.
“Max, I mean it. I’m done. My tour is over soon, and I’ll be going home.”
“You’ll sign up again.”
“No, Max, I’m won’t.”
His lip twitched.
“Look, I won’t say anything to Jade or anyone else. I’m implicated in this mess myself.”