Page 109 of Scandal
I could give him a name by myself. Since I didn’t have his real one. But everything escaped me. The hot water ran out, signaling my shower was over. I dressed in sweats as always and found Ivy furiously steaming the dress.
“Hey, you okay? You seem off. I’m really sorry I had to cut your night short.”
I shook her off, warming up a much-needed frozen pot pie. I need to stop eating this stuff.
“Oh, no that isn’t it at all. Really, it’s fine.”
She scolded me with her eyes. “Emilia, tell the truth.” She stopped steaming and cornered me at the microwave.
“I met this guy.” Her eyes widened as she smiled in response.
“Uh huh, and?” I shook my head as I bit my lip, not believing I was about to tell her. Or that it even happened. But I recalled the memory and it oh so did happen.
“I…we had sex. Against the garden wall.”
She stared back at me, probably thinking I was telling a joke. But she saw that my face never changed, and then her eyes widened in shock as her jaw dropped.
“Oh shit, no way!” she nudged my shoulder a bit hard.
“Uh, way.” She gasped and then started laughing.
“Oh wow. Who was it?” she asked me.
“I have no clue.” Her brow furrowed in confusion, her head cocked to the side as she studied me.
“Are—are you joking?” she giggled.
“No. I didn’t get his name or anything. It just sort of happened.”
Shit. We didn’t use a condom either, now that I remember. I was on birth control, but if this was a regular thing for him I hoped he hadn’t passed anything on to me. But the thought was far in my head.
“Whoa, that’s wild…and you weren’t drinking? You don’t usually do stuff like this.”
I giggled a bit.
“Nope, I was not. And you’re right, I don’t usually do stuff like that.” I agreed. The microwave dinged with my pot pie. I got it out to cool down.
“Well tell me more! What did he look like?” she started steaming the dress again. It was like looking at it brought everything back, even the stirring inside of my belly.
“Um, a god.” I giggled, grabbing a glass of sparkling water from the fridge.
I sat on the counter and ate.
“Deets, Emilia. Don’t hold off on me! I have had the worst dry spell, so I need to live vicariously through you.”
“Relax, this was a one-time thing. And he was hot,” I remembered his face, “dark blonde hair, green eyes. I didn’t really see his body but he felt really muscular. And firm, I guess. He was…amazing.”
“How amazing?” Ivy made a face. Sometimes I give people too much credit, but not this time.
“I came twice.”
“Holy shit!” She squealed.
I smiled and stuffed my face with pot pie so I wouldn’t get so hot and bothered.
“Yeah. And he seemed nice, I mean, we didn’t talk much at all. But he actually looked like he belonged there, so I doubt we’ll even be running into each other again.”
I very briefly thought of asking Sasha about him, but that wouldn’t go over too well. Hey, do you know an incredibly handsome—no dangerously sexy, blonde haired god with green eyes?