Page 53 of Scandal
“…will find the papers in your inbox, so check your email when you get home tonight, yes? You will be receiving fifty percent of the final bid, free of tax.”
I interrupted her, “I’m sorry, what’s the final bid?”
Everyone looked at her. Ava said, “Welcome, Miss Mercer. The final bid is the amount of money your dates pay at the auction for the chance to spend the evening with you.”
“The auction?” My heart began racing. What the hell was this place?
“Why, of course. Don’t worry, dear, this is perfectly legal. Just a fun little game rich boys like to play.”
“Right…” I had a strong urge to leave right then. To just storm out of the club and get a breath of fresh air and forget about all this.
Think of Declan. Think of Declan.
I didn’t move, and listened to Ava’s instructions. There was still forty minutes until the auction.
When Ava left, the rest of the girls spread around the club in twos and threes, and I was left alone at a table, along with another girl, nervously watching the place.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, the girl said, “First time here?”
“It has to be my fifteenth.”
“Really? How does this work exactly?” I asked, turning my chair to face the girl.
“One of these guys will bid on you, and whoever pays the most, promises you the world and tries to get into your pants.”
I frowned.
“It’s not as bad as it sounds. I paid off my student loans in three months, and had some money left over for a car! I’m Isabell, by the way.”
I shook the girl’s hand. She was pretty. About the same age as me, but a little leaner and with black hair cut short. I could see why other girls wouldn’t want to hang out with her. Most of them were a good ten years younger, fresh out of high school and already looking for adventure – sex and parties. Isabell seemed like she was there for work, which wasn’t a bad thing.
I had respect for a woman who made her way in the world, hell that’s why I was here.
Doing this for me.
For Declan.
“Do you want to go to the bar?” she asked me. “I need to get a drink before this whole thing goes down. Helps with the nerves, you know?”
“Sounds good.” A little liquid courage was just what I needed.
Chapter 4
“Are you sure this is the place?” I asked the driver.
“Positive, sir.”
The last time I’d been at the club there were lights and a red carpet and a long string of expensive cars. All I saw now was a nondescript bar with a generic name and a dirty sidewalk in front of it.
“Find a spot, okay? I won’t be long.”
There was a skinny guy at the entrance, tapping away on his phone. As I approached, the kid put the phone away and stood straight.
“Mr. Hayes, welcome!” He smiled wide and let me in.