Page 6 of Scandal
“Yeah. I need you to come for me. Come on. I need to feel that pussy squeezing me as you come—”
She screamed, her orgasm making her thrash against the floor as the pleasure rushed through her, and I was close to exploding myself. I pounded my dick a few more times into her and orgasmed hard, every muscle in me growing rigid under the immense pleasure.
I stopped before the last spurt came out and lowered her legs to the floor, choosing to stay a bit longer inside. Man, she was something else. I actually didn’t want to get out of her, wishing I could fuck her a hundred more times—all over my place.
“You’re amazing,” I murmured into her lips before I kissed her, moving my lips slowly over hers before our kiss grew deeper.
She moaned and bit my lower lip, sending a shot of pleasure right to my cock, and I felt it becoming harder again. “This was mind-blowing.”
I chuckled, my eyes raking her naked body. She was a bombshell.
I pulled out of her and got rid of the used condom, planning to fuck her in my bedroom next. I pulled her to her feet and led our way to it. I threw her a cocky smile. “I think we need to repeat this.”
She smiled back at me. “Okay. Then show me.”
I was beyond tired, considering I had left Colt’s apa
rtment at an ungodly hour. However, I had still managed to catch a cab back to my hotel in time to get some brief sleep, shower, and get myself ready to accompany my father for the day.
It was a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly without a single cloud in the sky. Unfortunately, we would be spending most of our time indoors, our agenda consisted of meetings discussing the political climate my father would possibly be embarking on if he became the vice-presidential nominee, as well as the embassy and their plans for expansion.
“Are you all right?” Dad asked in the hotel lobby, which had been serving as our designated meeting spot all week.
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing a self-conscious hand through my hair.
I actually felt better than all right, but I just wasn’t sure my appearance told the same tale. After leaving Colt’s apartment, I’d only had about two hours to crash in my hotel room before I had to start getting ready. My hair wasn’t as polished as I would have liked it, I hadn’t had time to thoroughly wash off the hairspray that I had used for my curls the previous night. And as time kept ticking by a little too quickly for my liking, I hadn’t been able to apply my makeup as carefully as I would have liked either. So I probably had bags under my eyes and looked a wreck despite the pleasurable glow I felt from the amazingly passionate night I’d spent with Colt.
“Why do you ask?”
Dad shrugged. “Something just seems a little different about you this morning. Did you have fun last night?”
Awkwardly, I turned my back to him to approach the refreshment table, where I started making myself a cup of coffee. “Yeah. Last night was all right.”
“What did you do?”
I coughed. “Nothing much.”
“Oh,” Dad said, sounding surprised. “I thought you and Eden hung out?”
“We did!” I said, wanting to slap myself. My mind was so occupied with Colt that I had almost forgotten Eden. “We uhm…Just went for a walk. Watched a movie. Girl-talked. That sort of thing.”
“That’s nice,” Dad said. “What—”
“Do you want some more coffee, Dad?” I asked, cutting him off before he could ask what movie we watched.
“Sure, sweetie. I could use a refill.” He handed over his coffee mug and I proceeded to fix him a cup of coffee. Just as I finished, footsteps sounded down a nearby hall and an important-looking businessman in a pin-striped suit appeared.
“Speaker Finley!” he said, enthusiastically. With a wide grin, he took several long strides toward my father, his hand outstretched.
“Barry! How are you?” Dad said, taking the man’s hand and shaking it.
“Can’t complain! The real question is how are you?”