Page 17 of Mr. Beast
I cocked my head off to the side and pursed my lips.
“He’s about as good as any man would be after getting hit by a car and being wheelchair-bound.”
“I get it. I get it. Stupid question,” she said.
“I’m hoping to not simply help him with physical therapy, but to also help him with his mental state. That goes a long way with recuperations like this, and he’s not in a very good one.”
“What do you mean? He’s not mean to you, is he?”
“Not so much mean as he is cold. Distant. He’s sort of severed himself from the world so he doesn’t get upset that he can’t convene with it,” I said.
“I hear you, Emilia. But I promise you, he’s not a mean man. He’s a disappointed one. He’s obviously got a decent job if he can afford out-of-pocket all the things that come with an in-home nurse, and I can only imagine what he’s had to put on hold with that job because of this accident.”
“I want you to be careful,” she said.
“There’s nothing to be careful about. I’m his in-home nurse. Nothing more.”
“But I know you. I know how you get when you become invested in something. You lose your professionalism and it becomes an emotional thing for you. I’ve seen you do it with regular customers. Wanting updates on their lives and wanting to know how their kids are doing.”
“That’s called ‘networking’,” I said.
“So it is networking when a regular customer comes in here, talks about how her daughter got her heart broken for the first time, and you’re so emotional you have to go home early because you can’t stop crying and wondering if she’s okay?”
“That was one time, Emilia.”
“All I’m saying is be careful, Grace. If you want to help him through his mental blocks as well as his physical ones, I could see you becoming attached,” she said.
“That won’t happen. He’s a new client, and temporary at that. Once he’s up and walking and back at work, my job is done. Two months, tops.”
“So you’ll have no issues keeping it emotionally platonic?” she asked.
“I promise,” I said. “Emotionally platonic is my game as an in-home nurse. It’s a different world. I’m a different person when I’m in your flower shop. I promise this won’t be an issue.”
“Okay,” she said as she reached for my hand. “Then I trust you.”
“Thank you for looking out for me,” I said.
“Anytime,” she said. “So! Have you Googled him?”
“Say what now?” I asked.
“This guy. Have you Googled him?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you should be doing that for every private client. I do it when high-profile clients come into my flower shop.”
“Wait, you do? Why?” I asked.
“To know what I’m getting into. Knowing more about the person helps me to pick the arrangements that suit their lifestyle best. It’s an artform, you know. I always Google them first.”
“Or you could simply talk to them as well.”
“I definitely won’t have that kind of time once I lose my best employee,” she said with a grin.
“Now you’re just trying to make me feel guilty.”