Page 9 of Virgin's Dirty Boss
His blank expression twisted into that of an amusement, and I wondered what he found funny now.
“You know, this really comes as a surprise for me. You can bite, after all!” My frown deepened.
He suddenly stood up and stopped directly in front of me, only several inches separating us. This time, his face was completely serious, and for the first time I saw the respect in his eyes.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I was acting like a jerk all the time and you didn’t deserve it.” He exhaled in frustration. “You see, I thought you were someone else when I met you at that place. I thought you were one of the bidders—my competition. Now you showed me that not only you aren’t my rival, but you are also smart and talented.”
My eyebrows flew up. I couldn’t believe he’d changed his attitude all of a sudden.
“I liked what I saw in your portfolio. I think you are talented and have good skills. Also, I respect you for standing up for yourself just now.”
I still couldn’t say a word, completely taken aback. After treating me like I was the worst, hearing these highly praising words sounded strange. It sounded like a prank.
“Are you pranking me?” I had to ask.
He chuckled, astonished. “Prank?”
“Yes, because all of a sudden, you don’t sound like yourself.”
He took a step closer to me, and now I could smell his cologne. I inhaled and his fragrance made me even hotter, as if his nearness wasn’t enough. I had to pull myself together.
“As I said, I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m attracted to you. A lot.” My heart jumped in my chest, and for a few moments I was unable to breathe. He took another step, and now only several inches separated us. His eyes were almost black, and I was losing myself easily in them.
“Do you treat all women you get attracted to like this?” I whispered, still feeling the traces of my previous anger, but now I was slowly becoming overwhelmed with the feeling he provoked in me. I wanted him.
“No. Only the ones that make me hot as hell and crazy for them. But I don’t usually mix business with pleasure.”
Oh no. His words weren’t supposed to affect me like this—I was supposed to treat him coldly—but I couldn’t.
“I want you, Alexandra. And I’ve decided to hire you. I need someone like you on my team.”
“Is that because you want me?”
He smiled. “No. It’s because you are competent and have experience. On top of that, you are motivated and ambitious.”
“You didn’t even see my CV.”
“I don’t need to. I already believe in your quality."
“Okay,” I replied, still not believing he would hire me after all.
“But I have only one condition.”
My heart dropped. Of course. “Yes?”
“I will hire you if you are willing to submit to all my wishes.”
My pulse sped up instantly, and I almost swayed under the wave of lust. Shit. I couldn’t believe his words actually affected me like this.
I moved my eyes over his face, drinking in his every line and spot on his perfect face. I was losing this battle against my desire.
Ugh, I was so torn and annoyed with myself right now.
I couldn’t deny it. I wanted him. I wanted him badly.
On the other hand, I wanted this project too.