Page 9 of Teach Me 2x
“How did it go?” She shouted as soon as she was inside.
She dropped her things on the side table by the door, and then sat in the living room. She kicked off a very uncomfortable looking pair of high heels and looked at me pointedly.
“I got the CEO Mentorship offer.” She squealed and about attacked me with a bunch of questions.
I was about to tell her all the dirty details before there was a knock at the door. A simple letter was on the ground when I opened it. The card stock was thick and the front side had the logo of their company on it, Moyer & Sawyer with the ‘&’ splitting their names before the ‘er’ that was shared, and Associates on the side. Pretty creative if you ask me.
I took it to the living room and opened it, thinking it was a congratulatory message.
Miss Jackson,
We were so delighted to meet with you this afternoon. Please join us for dinner at 7 PM; we have sent a car for you. We look forward to seeing you.
-Jake and Logan
When I showed Sarai the letter, all she had to say was, “Why couldn’t they just call? An
d that’s the logo for The Lagoon.”
I shrugged. “I guess this letter is more their style.”
But shit! It was already six!
“What will you wear? The Lagoon is the nicest place in town.” Her brows drew in thought.
“I don’t know.” I stood up, glad I had barely eaten my spaghetti since I already had butterflies in my stomach. Now I had tons, the whole lot.
How else should I react to being invited to dinner with two, deliciously attractive billionaires? Who are drop dead gorgeous with eyes that weaken my knees? Yeah, anyone would be freaking out. Luckily, I had a fashion mogul as a friend to help me find something.
I had an old cocktail dress I wore once to a mixer with the business association at school. It was a nude, pink color and pretty modest at the top, while the back had crossing lines. It stopped at my knees, and cinched my small waist to make my already ample hips look bigger. I had washed my hair in the shower, so once I applied some mouse it dried into thick waves.
“You look awesome. Don’t even worry. Just be yourself—well, less of a bitch.” Sarai was putting my lipstick on for me and I rolled my eyes.
I had a few people tell me I was a bitch, or had a chip on my shoulder. But I just spoke my mind when people would rather I stayed silent. That doesn’t work for me. So, I just keep my head up and out of the gutter, and I don’t let people step on me. Being a woman in the business world would be hard enough, being a pushover or accepting defeat definitely wouldn’t work in my favor.
‘See? You look awesome!”
I stared back in the mirror. My eyeshadow was a lighter color to match the dress, and my cleavage looked amazing. And I finished it off with black, strappy heels. They gave me a few inches, so I felt less plumpy.
I don’t think I was ever ashamed of my body, but when everyone else is lithe and athletic, or looked like Sarai, I couldn’t help but wish my thighs were smaller, my hips not as wide or my breasts smaller. The only men in my life had come after me because of my T&A. It got really old.
“Thanks. What time is it?”
My heart skipped fifty-four beats before it tried to settle, and I felt it in my stomach. I knew this wasn’t a date, of course. They would both be there…but I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. The two of them, together…I shook it from my head.
It was just a business meeting. A business dinner, rather.
If they were older, had graying hair and looked like the accomplishments before them, then I wouldn’t be so worried. But they didn’t. They were drop dead gorgeous.
Jake was ribbed with muscle, and they looked like they don’t come from conventional workouts. He was rough, and raw on the edges. Logan had that darkness to him, but it was contained and soft in a way. A very attractive way. Gosh, they are both so attractive. I felt every nerve in my body coming alive at the thought of them.
It had been four months since I last had sex. That had to be the problem, why I was acting so crazy.
Five minutes until seven, I descended the stairs with a go ahead from Sarai, and a promise to divulge all the secrets from the night.
I expected an older man and a town car, but outside stood a young man with low cut hair and a suit hugging every inch of his muscles. Do they only employ pretty people? Had I made that cut? I shivered at the thought.