Page 165 of Satisfied 2X
I tapped the button again. “Ok, this works.” I smiled.
Dylan walked in the room carrying bags from the shower. “I think this is the last of it.” He deposited them on the floor. “How many gifts does one baby need?”
I started pulling more of the presents out and lining them up just as Isaac appeared with the remote to the baby monitor.
“This thing is awesome. It has great video quality.” He plugged it into the charger. “What else did we get?”
I was waiting for them to find the surprise I had tucked away in the bags. I had slipped it in when they weren’t looking.
Dylan held up a tiny Warriors jersey. “Ok, I’m going to admit it. This is awesome.”
“We got so many beautiful things.”
I hadn’t expected the shower. It was a surprise from Candy and my grandmother. They had lured me over for lunch and I ended up with nearly fifty women chattering and giving me advice about babies.
There were bottles. Diapers. Outfits. Crib Sheets. The bags were filled. But the guys still hadn’t found my surprise.
“Isaac, did you go through that last bag?”
He dug through. “Looks like baby stuff to me.”
I sighed. They were helpful. And it was amazing to have two of them pampering me at all times, but I was dying for them to get to the surprise.
“See anything special?” I prodded.
He turned the bag upside down, dumping all the gifts on the floor and then his eyes landed on it. He scattered the presents and plucked the sonogram from the floor.
“Is that?” Dylan jumped over to look at it.
I nodded, practically squealing.
Isaac held it up. I saw the grin on his face before he handed it to Dylan.
“A boy? It’s a boy.”
I laughed. “Yes. Verified many times, I assure you.”
Dylan studied the picture. “Wow.”
Isaac circled his hands around my belly. It wasn’t much bigger than if I had stuffed a football under my shirt, but I loved my baby bump. I loved everything about my body when I was pregnant. How beautiful I felt. How thick my hair was. How Isaac and Dylan took care of me.
I knew I was one of those glowing pregnant women. I could see it every time I looked in the mirror. I had that same glow on our wedding day.
Isaac stood next to Dylan on the natural alter we built at Isaac’s ranch. As I said my vows, my eyes locked on each of them. My vows were to them. To us. To the love I shared with each of them.
My grandmother was upset we didn’t get married on the estate, but the ranch seemed like the right place. It was where I became the woman I was today. It was where I pledged my body and soul to these men I loved with all my heart.
Besides, we had to move the wedding up so it was before Christmas and didn’t interfere with playoffs. I didn’t think after everything Grammy had been through, she could handle the confines of a small wedding.
We kept the guest list limited. Charlie ran proper background checks and no press was included, except the Warriors’ press corp.
I couldn’t think of a more perfect day than our wedding day. And no night meant more to me than our honeymoon.
“What are you thinking about?” Isaac’s hands massaged the swell of my belly.
“Our honeymoon.” I smiled.
“We should do that again.” Dylan winked.