Page 212 of Satisfied 2X
“No shit.” Wyatt looked angry.
Jason shook his head. “She’s different and you know it.”
“I do.” Wyatt took a long gulp of the beer.
“I don’t want to scare her. I saw that look on her face. I think we need to let this one go. She can’t handle us. She’s not into this lifestyle, brother.”
Wyatt slammed the beer on the counter. “Did you see the first look on her face? The one of pure pleasure? The one when was slipping into what we could give her? Because I did. I watched her. I felt her wet heavenly pussy, Jason. And that’s not something I’m willing to walk away from.”
“You’re serious?”
“She wants it. She wants this. I know it. We just have to back off and give her time. Let her come to us when she’s ready.”
“And if she doesn’t? What if f she only wants one of us? What if she’s so freaked out by the two of us she can’t deal with it?” Jason waited for an answer.
“We share everything. We’ve always said we would never let a woman come between us. We’ve seen it too many times. We aren’t going to be those friends who lose everything because a woman dictates what happens between friends. We share her, or we both walk away.”
Jason nodded. “I don’t want to walk away from her either. I don’t think I can.”
Wyatt touched the bottle to his lips. “Then we get the girl.”
Jason smiled. “Then we get the girl,” he echoed.
She stared at the ceiling as if there was any way to sleep after what had happened tonight in Wyatt Miller’s office.
They had both touched her. Not a handshake. Not a pat on the back. But intimate touches. Dark touches that made her dizzy and drunk. Kisses and lingering grazes under her clothes. Between her legs. Oh God.
She turned on her side, tucking her pillow with her. Her heartbeat sped up thinking about the two men. The two gods of sexual personification. She couldn’t help it, she thrashed back to the center of the bed.
What did Jason mean when he said it was something for her to consider? She sat forward on the bed. How serious could they have been? Did he mean for the night? For tomorrow? At work? Was he joking about the entire incident? She didn’t how to read him or Wyatt. Jason wasn’t nearly as mysterious, but it didn’t make him transparent either.
She ran her hand over her breast. Her nipple was still sore from where he had twisted it with such ownership. Her other hand ran between her legs. Wyatt had touched her like she was his. And she had opened to him, letting him feel how needy and wet she was. But he didn’t laugh. He didn’t think she was weak. He loved it. He stroked her, until she almost came on his expensive executive upholstery.
She let herself sink back into the covers, her hands rubbing and massaging her body. She pretended Wyatt was pushing his fingers inside her. She wanted his hands there, while Jason teased her tits.
“Oh shit,” she whispered. This was one more thing she’d never done. She’d never touched herself to the point of orgasm.
But she could see them. Their gorgeous smiles. Their smoldering stares. And if she pretended enough, she could feel their fingers taking over her body. Her back arched mercilessly as she plunged two fingers inside her entrance, tracing a circle over her clit and then back inside. Her hips rocked until the orgasm wracked her. She twitched and panted, sliding her hands away from her body.
Tomorrow she would have to go to work. She would have to face Wyatt and Jason, but as she started to fall asleep she started to look forward to it. She needed more of this. Even if she didn’t know exactly what this was.
Vicki had been kind enough to drop off her new hire paperwork at the h
uman resources office. Kayla realized she had left it on the assistant’s desk when she fled the executive floor last night. As soon as she entered the building there was a security officer waiting for her.
She felt a quick flutter of panic. Shit. Had she lost her job already? Did she ruin everything last night?
“Miss Dauler, Mr. Miller has asked that I escort you to your new office this morning.” He folded his hands in front of him.
“Oh all right.” She followed him into the elevator and gawked when he pressed the executive level. Did he have this right?
The officer stood aside to let her walk into the lobby. She needed to keep the pink from her cheeks. No one else here knew what had happened in Wyatt’s office. And there was no reason for them to know as long as she acted like everything was normal. That was the plan. It didn’t happen. She hallucinated. It was some kind of deranged fantasy she had concocted.
The officer stood outside of a double set of doors. Kayla stared in disbelief. She was smack dab in the middle of Wyatt’s and Jason’s offices.