Page 246 of Satisfied 2X
He’d never had trouble focusing during a board meeting before. Wyatt kept blinking at the reports. He didn’t need help staying awake. He needed something to keep his dick from growing every time he thought about Kayla and the weekend at the vineyard. Napa had changed everything.
He had it bad.
Monday morning had hit him like a wrecking ball. All three of them had to climb out of Kayla’s warm bed and get ready for work.
She was nervous people in the office would know something was up, as if they could see it on her forehead that she had slept with both her bosses.
Jason laughed about it and offered to give her a lunchtime quickie if that would help her calm down. It only seemed to make her more nervous.
Wyatt knew things had gone to a different level over the weekend. A level
he never expected. A place he and Jason had never been with a woman. There were already feelings involved. Serious feelings. He looked at the chart in front of him while the board member droned on.
Wyatt was falling for this girl.
He had to know if Jason was too.
As soon as the board meeting was over, he pulled Jason aside.
“I think we need to talk.”
“What’s going on, brother?”
“It’s about Kayla. Let’s take this to my office.”
Jason looked concerned. “Is she ok? I just saw her before we came in here. She has a meeting with the tech team for the launch. Did something happen?”
“She’s fine. Come on. I don’t want to talk about it here. It’s about us—not work.”
Wyatt closed the heavy double doors to his office, sealing them inside.
“Ok, what’s this about?” Jason questioned. “What’s going on?”
“Where do you stand with Kayla?”
“Where do I stand? I think you were there. You know exactly where I stand. We had a phenomenal weekend. She’s incredible.”
Wyatt rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, she is.”
“I get the sense though that something is wrong. You don’t seem as happy as I thought you were. Aren’t you happy? She’s perfect.”
“It’s not wrong. Nothing is wrong. I think this weekend changed everything.” He looked at his best friend. “I’ve completely fallen for her.”
“Oh, I see.”
Wyatt paced in front of the windows. “I want to know where you are.”
“Why? I’m committed. I’ve told you that. I’ve told her that. I’m not backing out. I told her and you, that this is it. What has you freaked out?”
“Because I think we need to make sure that she is completely free and clear of her uncle. I can’t stop thinking about it. The deal. The debt.”
Jason stared. “You don’t think she’s safe?”
“Look, when this started she was part of a debt payoff. And yeah, I wanted to fuck her. I don’t deny any of that. But she’s ours now, Jason. We made her ours. We owe her this. She gave us something she’s never given anyone. We have to protect her. And if her uncle is the asshole he seems to be, he could break his deal with her. Who knows when he would try to use her again. He could threaten her. We have to make sure that never happens.”
“What are you saying, Wyatt? We aren’t in the murder business. We aren’t criminals. We are in the global business of making money.”