Page 253 of Satisfied 2X
“Hey boys.” Rudino smacked his gums.
Jason growled, “Where is Kayla? Why are you calling us on her phone?”
“Turns out this sweet little niece of mine is worth a whole hell of a lot more than I realized.”
“Rudino,” Wyatt warned, gritting his teeth. “Where is Kayla?”
The screen pivoted and Jason’s lungs seized when he saw Kayla sitting on the bed crying.
“She’s fine. Calm down. You think I’d hurt my own flesh and blood?”
“Damn it, Rudino. What is this about?”
They waited for a response.
“This is about finally getting what I deserve. Finally getting what is mine.”
“What you deserve?” Wyatt’s tone grew increasingly more hostile. “You fucked us over, you bastard. You are lucky you have Kayla in your life. Lucky I didn’t come after you with the full force of our global company.”
The man sat on the bed next to his weeping niece. “Honey, tell your boyfriends what they need to do.” He handed her the phone.
Kayla wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything,” Jason tried to comfort her. “Are you ok? Has he hurt you?”
She shook her head. “No. But he want’s five million dollars.”
Wyatt pressed his lips together. “Done.”
Jason looked at him. “Are you crazy?”
“What else?” Wyatt asked. “What else does he want?”
She looked next to her. “Residual annual fees for my dowry.” The tears fell from her cheeks.
“What the fuck is a dowry?” Jason roared. “This is not the damn 1700s.”
Rudino snatched the phone away. “If you want in on my family. If you want my niece, that is the price. Five million upfront and I’d say half a million each year after that should take care of it.”
“No,” Kayla sputtered. “Don’t do it, Wyatt. Don’t even think about paying him.”
Wyatt looked over at Jason. “Tell the pilot to chart us for New York.”
He nodded. “Got it.” He would fly them himself if he had to. Jason pulled out his phone and listened as Wyatt continued the call.
“We will be there tonight. If you hurt her, or even consider touching her.”
Rudino shot him a glare. “Get me the money.”
He hung up and the screen went blank.
The next few hours were torture. Uncle Rudy ordered trays of room service while she huddled on the bed and waited. She listened to him eat with his mouth open. He had always been a slob. The kind of man who walked around with a stain on his shirt leftover from something smelly at lunch.