Page 72 of Satisfied 2X
Alison waited for Maureen to mention Drew. She cringed, knowing it was only another breath before her assistant dropped the bomb, but it never happened.
“Please don’t say anything to anyone, Maureen.”
“Of course not. It’s your business. But if I were you, I’d make sure to be careful.”
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“He seems like the kind of man who is intense. I’d hate for him to break your heart or for it to interfere with your job. I like what you’ve done here. I don’t want you to leave.”
“Aw, Maureen, that’s really sweet. But I promise you I’m not going anywhere.”
The woman continued to fiddle with the flowers. “I hope that’s true.”
Alison looked at the clock. “Oh shit. I better go. We’ll talk about this later?”
The assistant nodded, and Alison dashed out of the office and straight for Hunter’s suite.
She flung the door open, harder than she intended. Hunter was behind the desk and Drew was standing with a bottle of champagne.
“Well, that’s quite an entrance. Not too far off from when we first met.” Hunter smirked.
“Sorry, I just had a strange conversation with Maureen.”
Drew walked toward her, handing her a glass of champagne. He looked the door behind her and guided her to the couch.
“Tell us what it was about.”
The champagne was cold and sweet. Expensive and exotic.
“She’s suspicious of my relationship with Hunter.” She looked between the men.
“But not me? I’m hurt,” Drew mocked.
“Drew, this is serious. She was poking around asking questions about the flowers, and warning me about a broken heart.”
She gulped more of the champagne.
“And what did you say?” Hunter asked.
“I just ran out of there without saying much. I didn’t deny it. Was that wrong? Should I go talk to her?”
“More champagne?” Drew held the bottle toward her.
She lifted the glass in the air toward him and that’s when she realized what was at the bottom of the glass.
“Holy shit.” She covered her mouth.
The men laughed.
Alison slid her finger inside the glass and retrieved two diamond rings.
“What? What is this?”
They knelt in front of her. Hunter retrieved the square cut diamond, and Drew reached for the large round stone. They had to be at least two carats each.
Alison was stunned. Blown away. She couldn’t speak.
“We decided that we aren’t letting you go, Alison. And while one of us is going to have to play it low-key in public, we want to marry you.”