Page 116 of Double Bossed
Suddenly, I felt too emotional. My vision blurred as tears welled up in my eyes.
Oliver looked at me in worry. “What is wrong?”
“Oliver, you have no idea what you’ve done for me. This...” I motioned with my hand at the room, looking over its new furniture and restored walls and windows. Turning something that had been so old and ruined into such a pretty, breathtaking space was equal to a miracle for me, and it was all thanks to Oliver. “This is amazing. This is all I ever dreamed of... Until you. Now I have you and this hotel is just the way I wanted it to be... You made my dreams come true. Thank you.”
He approached me and kissed me, holding onto me tightly.
“No. I have to thank you. You are the one who made my dreams come true. I have you and there is nothing else that matters to me.”
He took a step backward and reached into the pocket of his jacket. The next moment he took a small jewelry box out of it, and my heart just stopped. He opened it and revealed a huge diamond ring that took my breath away. I looked at him, unable to think properly for a moment.
Was this...? Was this really...?
“Alexandra Harris, you are the love of my life. Will you marry me?”
Oh my God.
Oh my God! Yes! “Yes,” I breathed out, feeling so happy. I couldn’t believe this!
I grinned like crazy when he took the ring out and brought it to my ring finger. I couldn’t believe he’d just proposed. He pulled me in for a kiss, and I was already lost in our passion.
I was already lost in him.
Oliver Talon, the man who I thought would be my enemy, would now be my partner for life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
OMG! Did you love this story?
Turn the page to read TWO stories from my friend Violet Paige!
No Boundaries
By Violet Paige
It was seventeen to thirteen and we had the ball. Bottom of the fourth quarter, with less than a minute left on the clock and zero time outs remaining.
That was my moment. The moment I lived for. The moment I always played for.
Coach called for a screenplay and we lined left. The fat fucker across from me lifted his head and pointed directly at me. Mistake. I knew he was coming for me.
I glanced at Aaron on my right and then Joe on my left. They both nodded, letting me know they had my back. No one would get through them.
“Down set. Hut one. Hut two. Hike,” I called.
I caught the ball as the center spiked it backward between his legs. I took a step back and tapped the ball, searching the field for an open player. I scanned from one side to the other.
Three times.