Page 156 of Double Bossed
Hunter hopped onto one of the barstools and selected a basket of wings.
I watched as the crowd in the stadium thinned out. I wanted to make sure Hunter didn’t feel overwhelmed. Hawk was a big guy. I could only imagine what it would feel like being around a hundred men who were similar in size. Hunter would be scared to death.
He ate his wings and a few strawberries. He wiped his mouth and announced he was ready to go.
“All right.” I did a quick scan. The cleaning crew had started on the rows of seats. I thought it was safe to head toward the bowels of the stadium.
Hawk had given me specific instructions on where to meet him. Hunter slid his small hand into mine as we walked the concourse. We took the elevator to the bottom floor and I looked for the Sharks locker rooms.
Before I could read the signs, I saw Hawk walking straight toward us. My heart jumped in my chest, taking off at the speed of light. I didn’t think I had ever seen him in his uniform before, and it had to be the hottest thing I’d ever witnessed.
My mind was flooded with images of the night before and so many more. So many things I could imagine doing to him and with him in that uniform. I felt myself blush bright red and tried to turn away to keep him from seeing it.
“Kane. You won!” Hunter dropped my hand, rushing toward him.
“I know. High five, buddy,” he said, raising his hand for Hunter to slap. When Hunter reached up to slap it, Hawk twisted his other arm from around his back and slapped the game ball into Hunter’s hand.
“The game ball? For real?”
“Yep, just for you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, big guy.”
He took a step from Hunter. He grabbed me by the waist, snatching me close to him. His mouth captured mine and I sighed contentedly. It was like coming home after being on vacation for a month. The vacation was great, but there was nothing like walking into your own house and flopping down on the bed. When he finished kissing me, he didn’t immediately release me, choosing instead to keep his arm around my waist, holding me tight against him. I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.
“Congratulations on the big win.”
“Thanks, baby.”
I liked it. I liked it too much, maybe. The pet names. The possession. The way he made me feel like I belonged right here next to him. I looked at Hunter. And somehow this child was part of our equation. I just couldn’t figure it all out. My heart was all over the place.
“Hey, I’ve got to shower and then I have press.”
“Ok, are we still taking Hunter to dinner?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Give me an hour, ok?”
He leaned down, pressing his perfect lips on mine. I nodded. Truth was, I’d wait as long as it took. I was so head over heels for this guy I didn’t know what to do.
He walked toward the locker room. Hunter tossed the ball in the air.
“Let’s go.” I reached my hand out. “We can wait at Hawk’s apartment.”
“Cool.” Hunter seemed relaxed. Happy. Content.
And I felt my happy heart start to break. Because after today, he had to go back to the home. Back to a parent-less existence. Back to the place that stole the light from his eyes.
I looked at the boy tucked under the gray guestroom comforter. He looked small and helpless in the massive heap of pillows. I picked a few up and tossed them on the floor.
Julie walked up behind me.
“All ready for lights out?” she asked.