Page 225 of Double Bossed
The sun poured through the wooden blinds. There was something heavy weighing my arm to the bed. I looked down to see Ava curled against my chest. I grinned.
She opened her eyes. “You stayed.” She smiled.
“I did.”
She rolled to the side and I stretched my arms overhead, regaining some of the circulation.
“You didn’t have to. I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do.”
“Stop right there.” I pressed a finger to her lips. “I do exactly what I want to do. And I wanted to sleep with you. And I’ll do it again if I want.” I winked at her.
She giggled.
“You realize this is insane, right?”
“How so?” I sat forward, rolling my neck to the right and then the left.
“I have work. You have work. This is the Olympics. Your Olympics.”
“Some have said that.”
She glared at me. “Everyone says it. It’s true. These are your games. You’re going to sweep gold in every one of your events.”
I put a foot on the floor. “Not if I swim like I did yesterday.” I looked around for my pants. “I have to swim this morning.”
I needed to get to the pool. I wasn’t the only one in town anymore. I was surprised Jim hadn’t tried to reach me.
“What was wrong yesterday? Do you have jet lag too? Because that would be understandable, considering how far you had to fly.”
“Jet lag? No. I was worried about a girl.” I flashed her a look.
“A girl?” Her cheeks turned crimson until she realized I was talking about her.
“Are you not feeling well? What time zone did you come from?” I sat back on the bed.
“I flew from Atlanta, which is one hour behind Rio. I think it was the travel week and getting ready for the trip. I just haven’t caught up on my sleep. I can’t shake it.”
“Huh.” I ran a hand over her hip up to her breasts. I hadn’t given them nearly enough attention last night. “You seem to feel okay to me.”
She sighed as I pinched a nipple between my fingers. I lowered my lips to her breasts and pulled the hard bud between my teeth. Fuck, she was so hot.
“I thought you said you had to swim,” she groaned, pulling my hair though her hands as I bit her nipple.
“It can wait.” I pushed her knees wide and settled between her legs.
“But I don’t want you to miss your practice,” she teased.
I was so fucking hard I wasn’t walking out of this hotel room. I rubbed my cock against her clit. Damn, she was already wet.
“Do you want me to fuck you or not?” I stared in her eyes, watching her breath quicken as I pushed slightly inside her and pulled out. I knew it drove her fucking crazy.
She pressed her lips together as her hands lifted over her head. I saw the lust hooded in her pools of blue.
“Fuck me, Blaine.”