Page 231 of Double Bossed
“God, what is going on with you?” I shoved off the bed. “I’m here because of the swim. You’re the person I want to be with before I swim tomorrow. Haven’t I said that in every way possible?” I felt the irritation under my skin.
“Blaine, I’m fine. Focus on the swim. Focus on the world record. Don’t worry about me.”
“How can you say that? I came over here for you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” She covered her hand with her mouth.
I picked up my bag. “Fuck, if that’s how you feel, don’t worry about it.” I pulled the handle of the door as she scampered off the bed.
“Blaine, don’t leave like this.” She tugged on my arm, but I was done with these games.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” she pleaded. “I was just—” But before she got another word out she ran to the bathroom, and I cringed as I heard her vomit.
“Shit, Ava.” I rushed over to see if she needed anything.
She steadied herself, brushed her teeth, and washed her hands.
She turned off the bathroom light and walked toward the bed.
“You can’t tell me you aren’t sick.” I glared at her. “I can at least get you to a doctor. Maybe I can call someone in the village. They’re already programmed into all our phones.”
I reached for my cell when Ava grabbed it from my hand.
“I’m not sick.”
“Like bloody hell,” I raised my voice. “Stop being stubborn. You just threw up.”
And then it hit me.
I saw the tears well on her bottom lid. “Blaine, I’m pregnant.”
I stared at him. He hadn’t spoken a word since I dropped the bomb between us.
“I didn’t want to tell you like this. I was trying to let you swim. Don’t you get it?”
“How long have you known?” He hadn’t blinked.
“A week,” I whispered. I suddenly felt ashamed for keeping it from him.
He turned from the bathroom and sat on the bed. “You’ve known all week and didn’t tell me?” He looked hurt.
I sat next to him. “I couldn’t let this pregnancy ruin your chance at gold. I’ll still be pregnant after the games. I was going to tell you then. I swear.”
“You’re carrying my baby?”
I nodded. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not what you expected. I didn’t expect it either. I—I thought it was jet lag, but it wasn’t. It’s some kind of twisted morning sickness that comes and goes all day.”
His hand pushed my T-shirt from my stomach and he cupped my belly with his palms. “My baby is in there?”
“Yes. It’s your baby.”
My heart ached. I had just done everything I didn’t want to do. I wanted him to sweep gold. I wanted him to achieve all his Olympic dreams. And with one little word I had undone all of it. How was he going to concentrate after this?
“How are you feeling?” he asked.