Page 24 of Double Bossed
I squirmed and clenched my thighs together, trying to focus on my work. Travis and Patrick had left my office a while ago, and I was supposed to start with work, but I was distracted. I brought my attention back to my computer screen, putting my glasses back on. I had a brief to get ready for them. They were working on a land deal for the company that needed my research. They hadn’t given me a strict deadline, but I didn’t want to drag something out that could have been done sooner.
Luckily for me, I was good with research and knew how to differentiate relevant and irrelevant information.
An hour and a half later, I stopped typing the document, having already lost my concentration. I needed to work much more on this brief, and I hoped I would be able to finish it today.
I stretched myself in my chair and decided to take a quick break. I walked out of the office and found a coffee machine in the hallway. I needed some caffeine badly.
I slipped a few coins into the machine and choose my favorite type of coffee. Straight black coffee with no sugar or milk.
As I was waiting for my coffee, I heard someone calling me. “Cassie? Cassie, is that you?”
I turned around and saw a woman I didn’t recognize, approaching me with a big smile on her face. She looked younger than me and she wore pants and a blouse that was unbuttoned on top.
“I’m sorry,” I said when she stopped in front of me. “I’m new. I don’t remember everyone’s name yet.”
She frowned for a moment in confusion, but then she slapped her forehead as if she remembered something. “Oh, that’s right. I think we met once or twice a long time ago, but I’m not surprised you don’t remember me.” Her smile was pretty, and I found myself relaxing next to her.
Even though I’d just started working here, I still didn’t befriend anyone yet, and this would be a good opportunity to start making friends.
“Well, I’m Cassie, and I work as a legal assistant for Travis Bryson and Patrick Drake. How about you?”
“I’m Caroline. I’m a legal aide in the office and I’m still a law school student.” She offered her hand for a handshake and I accepted it. “I’m working here because I need to gain enough experience before I graduate. I hope I could work as an attorney here after my graduation.”
I took my coffee and motioned to her to sit in the sofas that were nearby.
I decided to play my role, remembering what I’d said during my interview to Patrick and Travis. “Oh, what a coincidence. I’m also a law student and currently working here while I study,” I said as I sat down.
“Yeah, I know you’re a law student. Actually, I recognized you from law school.”
Something unpleasant twirled around my chest, and I realized I’d just made a mistake. If she recognized me from law school, then there was a possibility that she knew I’d already graduated.
The next moment she frowned, and a confused look passed over her face. “Wait. I thought you were a year ahead of me. I thought you already graduated.”
I almost choked on my coffee. I couldn’t believe she actually remembered this. I licked my lips, battling with my nervousness. How could I have known that I would meet a person who would actually know me from law school?
“Um, no. You must have confused me with someone,” I replied, fighting to keep my eyes on her. If I looked away she might know I was hiding something. “I’m still a student.”
“Oh.” She looked completely confused. “Well, that explains why you work as a legal assistant.” She giggled. “Yeah. Right. Silly me. There was no way you would work as an assistant if you have already graduated. You’d be an attorney by now.” I knew she was just being polite, and I smiled back at her, but I couldn’t deny that her words stung.
Here I was—working as an assistant to pay off my bills. I was embarrassed. Humiliated she thought I was working for resume experience. My stomach turned.
All those rejections had made me feel like I was incompetent and my self esteem had taken a hit. Now I was doing something that didn’t suit me, and I’d also had to lie about it so I could get the job.
“Yeah. You’re right. There is no way I would be here as an assistant if I’d already graduated.”
I was glad she didn’t push this, because I couldn’t let her know the truth. If she did, I would be at risk of being exposed.
I was worried that the guys would find out I’d lied to them about my qualifications. If Caroline knew, how could I be sure they wouldn’t discover the truth? Would they think they couldn’t trust me? Would they think I was a liar? Had I just ruined my chances to get another job? My head was spinning.
I closed my eyes for a moment, my cheeks covered in red as my embarrassment swallowed me. No. They would think I was the worst. They would think I’d slept with them on purpose because I’d had some hidden motives, and this possibility terrified me. They would be disappointed in me and they would fire me immediately.
Now more than ever, I didn’t want to get fired. I needed money
On top of everything, I wanted more sex. I wanted Patrick and Travis. Even though I’d met them just two days ago, I was becoming addicted to them quickly and I wanted much more.
For some reason, the thought of not being able to see them if I was to get fired made me feel sad and lonely. I was looking forward to our encounters, unable to keep them out of my mind, and if what we had would come to an end...
What were we, actually?