Page 63 of Double Bossed
Colten was pacing around my office for more than ten minutes now, playing with his construction hat nervously in his hands.
“What is going on?” I asked him, finally raising my eyes from the document on my screen. These days I’d been staring at so many letters that if this continued I would have to wear glasses.
“I’m worried that someone is trying to sabotage our new project.”
I raised an eyebrow, feeling skeptical. That was a pretty serious accusation. “What makes you think that?”
“Someone ruined the concrete mixer by letting it run all night.”
I ran my hand through my hair. “And that’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“That’s not a big deal. It can happen.”
“It can happen?”
“Yeah. It was probably a mistake, so let it go. Or find the lowly worker who did and fire them, who the hell cares?”
Colten stopped with his pacing and leaned against my desk. “Look, I know this might not sound like a big deal, but I don’t know. I have a feeling in my gut that tells me this is something serious. I want you to hire someone to look into it.”
I shook my head. “What do you mean? Like a PI?” Jesus Colten wasn’t sleeping enough.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. If someone is screwing with us, I want to know.”
“Hey, relax. I’m not concerned about it. As I said, it was probably a mistake, so there is no need for you to make some conspiracy theories. Everything will be alright.”
I leaned against my chair, feeling unusually good that even Colten’s speculation couldn’t destroy my mood. After the last night with Madison, I was full with energy. I felt great.
That woman was definitely something else. I thought that fucking her would help me get her out of my system for even a minute, but I was wrong. Whatever I did, I kept thinking about her, and my dick was hard for the major part of the day. It was fucking annoying, because I couldn’t focus on my job. I just thought about the ways to fuck her before the end of the working day. Hell, not before the end of the working day—I needed to fuck her as soon as possible.
“How can you be so relaxed?” Colten asked me, his eyebrows rising suspiciously.
I shrugged my shoulders. “I had a really good sleep last night?” That was bullshit. I was turning around in my bed all the time—all horny and desperate to fuck Madison again.
“Nah, I know you man. Something happened. Or someone. Tell me, how is this cute new assistant of yours?”
I rolled my eyes. “She’s fine.”
“She’s fine?”
He burst into laughter.
“What are you laughing about, man?”
He sat down on the chair but continued to move his hardhat between his hands. “As I said, I know you, Grant. You like the girl. I heard she does her job well. I also heard you two keep staying together late each day. All alone.”
I sighed and moved my hand through my hair again. Maybe I could tell him about Madison. He would hear about it sooner or later.
“Okay. Fine. I’m hung up on Madison and I can’t shake it. Okay? Are you fucking satisfied?”
Colten smirked. “Really? So she’s that good?” he said it suggestively.
“Careful,” I warned him. “Madison is much more than just for fucking.”