Page 84 of Double Bossed
Recently, he got married, so now he had eyes for only one woman. This meant that he wasn’t able to join Colten and me in our sexual conquests, and it wasn’t so fun without him, but that was what you got when you got married—you had to say goodbye to your freedom.
“Well, somebody has to do it.”
“Yeah, but take some time to enjoy the sweet, sweet victory.” He rubbed his thumb repeatedly over the tip of his forefinger and middle finger.
I rolled my eyes. Grant and his millions.
“This project and a few others we managed to start this year are going to strengthen our position on the market.”
“How is that third hospital project going?” I asked Grant, referring to third project LQT had with the health network HealthUp. We’d gained a lot of profit from the first hospital, and they had asked us to work with them on another two.
“Excellent. I didn’t even doubt it would be any different,” Grant bragged. “Things are going pretty smoothly at this point, and we are negotiating about expanding our contract. They are proving to be our most reliable client so far.”
“That is great. Colten told me everything is going well on the site for the mall project.”
“Ah, yes. That mall is about to get finished in a month.”
“The prices of lots in that area are on the rise at the moment,” Tom, the other real estate agent, said. “By the time we finish with the construction, it would be perfect to sell it. The prices could reach their all-time high.”
Grant chuckled. “Perfect. Man, we are the winners. This hotel is going to bring us a lot too,” Grant grinned and emptied his glass in one gulp.
“And there is nothing better than money, right?” Bradley asked, stretching his legs in his chair.
“Well, if you asked me this before, I would say yes, but now I have to say you are wrong. My Madison is the best.”
I rolled my eyes again and shook my head. Madison Layne was Grant’s wife. They had met when she came here to work as an extra help for that hospital project we’d been doing for HealthUp. She was a beautiful, petite blonde and she’d proved to be a good worker—smart, skilled, and diligent. Soon after they met, they started dating, and I had to admit they were perfect for each other.
Now they were madly in love, and I couldn’t help but notice that Grant was a changed man. Literally. He had eyes for Madison only and they couldn’t take their hands off each other. For someone who had been obsessed with work, Grant surely didn’t stick with that obsession anymore. Now he had a new one.
“How is Madison these days?”
Madison was about to give birth to their first child, and she was currently on her maternity leave. Recently, all Grant liked to talk about was his wife and their unborn son. I already learned everything there was about the child delivery methods and breathing techniques during labor. Grant was very nervous and too worried for his wife these last few weeks.
“She is good. She is a bit tense, because her due date is approaching, but so far everything is going well.”
“Good. I can’t wait to see Grant junior.”
Grant’s smile became wider. “Me either, man.”
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and my assistant stepped into the board room.
“I am sorry to interrupt your meeting, Mr. Talon, but there is someone who came here to discuss the recent hotel you purchased.”
I raised my eyebrows, wondering who they might be and what they wanted. “Okay. Send them in.”
She nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Hm, someone is here already?” Grant remarked, looking at me curiously.
I leaned against the table and crossed my fingers together. The next moment, the door opened again and a gorgeous brunette walked in. It took me a second to recognize her as the woman I’d run into at the hotel, and my whole body tensed.
Today she was wearing a grey suit, which looked serious and strict as the previous one, but it also hugged her body too tightly, revealing just how sexy she was. She wasn’t wearing any stockings, and my mouth became dry from just watching those long legs. My cock twitched, suddenly becoming harder.
I had a hard time believing this. What was she doing here?
After that day, I would occasionally think about her, despite my efforts to let it
go. Her pretty heart-shaped face and striking green eyes had been popping up in my mind when I least expected it, and yes, I even imagined her mouth on my cock several times. I didn’t lie when I said her mouth was good for that.