Page 90 of Double Bossed
“Hey, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything. I just want us to have a nice time together.”
I could hear her breathing faster. This was clearly getting her eager, and I felt my own excitement increasing. I could tell she was interested in something too.
“Okay. Um, can you give me your address, then?”
Fuck yeah I could.
Alexandra arrived a little over an hour later. In the meantime, I prepared some wine and put some relaxing music playing on my stereo system in the living room. I tried to suppress my erection, but I was getting more aroused as the time passed.
I couldn’t wait to see her.
I heard the bell ringing and I went to open the front door. I smiled at her when our eyes met, and I was struck again with how gorgeous she was. She was in the same business suit she wore today, and I wondered why she didn’t change into something more comfortable. Then I noticed she was looking too serious and nervous, and I knew I had to do something to get her to relax.
“Hey,” I greeted her. I decided against any physical contact, because she seemed too uncomfortable for that, even thought I wanted to hug her and kiss the hell out of her.
“Come in.”
I let her pass, sensing the smell of her perfume when she walked by. It was the smell of roses mixed with something more, and it smelled wonderfully.
I licked my lips, urging myself to calm down and go slow. I wanted to go fast, my cock painfully reminding me of how much I wanted her, but I had to get my shit together.
I led her to the living room and motioned for her to sit on the couch. She looked rigid and her face was still completely serious.
Okay. I definitely needed to go slow. Drinking could help her loosen up.
I poured wine into our glasses and gave her one. Our fingers touched and I didn’t move my hand immediately, extending our contact on purpose as my heartbeat increased. Our eyes met and I could see she felt the same thing I did, because the lust flashed in her eyes.
I sat next to her on the couch, leaving some space between us, and clank my glass against hers.
“Cheers,” I said.
“To the success of our project.”
She finally smiled, her eyes warming at the mention of the hotel she cared about. “To the success of our project.”
I took a sip of my wine, not taking my eyes off hers. “Why are you so attracted to that place?”
“I visited it a lot with my parents as a kid. I have nice memories of it.”
“Is that so?”
She sipped her wine, her eyes glazing slightly as if she was recollecting something. “Yes. They had the best food in the city. Seriously. My mother isn’t a good cook. No, she is a terrible cook. So I remember complaining a lot about her meals, which of course now that I’m an adult I realize was kind of a terrible kid move. I kept bothering them to take me to that place so I could eat something delicious.”
I smiled, trying to imagine young Alexandra. “I reckon that they weren’t much happy about that.”
“Not at all! Besides, that place was extremely expensive so I could only imagine how big damage their wallets suffered.” She giggled and my cock twitched immediately. That was such a nice sound.
Alexandra looked so confident when she smiled and I wanted her to smile more. I wanted her to smile at me.
She turned to look at me and tucked her hair beneath her ear. “I’m sorry. I’m probably boring you with this.”