Page 9 of Choose Your Heart
“So tired.”
“I know. Come on. I’ll get you inside, and you can go back to sleep.”
Kerry sat up, and blinked a few times. She looked around and wiped her mouth. “Was I drooling?”
He chuckled. “No. Snoring a bit, though.”
She groaned. “Where are we? This isn’t a motel.”
“I know.” He held up his hands, palms facing her. “Now, before you get all riled up, I tried three motels, but they were all full. I forgot there’s some type of bikers’ event this week. I brought you to my house, but I have every intention of settling you in the guest bedroom.” He jumped from the truck and retrieved her overnight bag, purse, and laptop.
She narrowed her eyes as he opened the door. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I mean, I don’t even know you.” She crossed her arms. “I’ll sleep here in the truck. It’s comfortable.”
Damian rested his hands on his hips. “All right. I’ll give you that. You don’t know me, and if you were my sister, I’d be stomping mad that you’d do something so reckless. But, there isn’t much choice, and you have been with people all night who know me.” He studied her for a minute. “Would it help if I told you my guest bedroom has a lock on the door?”
She hesitated for a moment, and then slid from the seat. “Okay. A lock on the door is good.”
He grinned to himself at the puzzle that was Kerry Mackenzie. The midwife side was strong, confident and assured. The woman was wary and suspicious. The more she revealed about herself, the more he wanted to peel away her layers of protection.
He flashed what he hoped was a trusting smile and led her up the stairs to the porch.
Even though it was the middle of the night with everything shrouded in darkness, Kerry was still impressed with Damian’s house. The ceramic tiled entrance hall opened into a living room that revealed a cozy ambiance once he switched on a few lights.
Dark leather furniture surrounded a Native American patterned area rug. A huge stone fireplace took up almost one whole wall, with floor to ceiling windows on either side. The neatness of the room surprised her the most, being a bachelor home.
Damian headed to the stairs, still carrying her belongings. “Come on upstairs, and get some sleep. I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow.”
A large bed sat smack in the center of the room they soon entered, which was all her tired body could see. He dropped her things on the floor, and took off his hat. “Well, I’ll let you get some rest.” He pointed to a door in the corner. “There’s a bathroom in there. And, as I mentioned, a lock on the door.”
She smiled at his discomfort. “Thank you. I really do appreciate all you’ve done for me tonight.”
“Not a problem.” He fumbled with the brim of his hat. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Oh wait.” Kerry stopped him before she closed the door. “What about my car?”
Damian snapped his fingers. “I’ll call Boz first thing and run the keys over there.” He paused. “Unless you want to wait until you wake up, so you can deliver them yourself.”
She grimaced. “Now you’re making me feel like a suspicious old lady.” She reached into her purse and handed the key ring over. “If you get up first, I would appreciate you dropping them off for me.”
“Sure thing. Well, good night again.”
“‘Night.” Kerry closed the door softly and turned the lock.
She leaned against the door and gazed around the room. Here she was in a strange city, in a strange bedroom, in the home of a strange man. Well, she wanted to move on with her life, and assert some independence. But being attracted to that handsome cowboy on the other side of the door did not fit in with her plan.
Her stiff fingers unbuttoned her blouse, leaving it to settle where it dropped, then slid her shorts down her legs. Leather sandals joined the rest of her clothes, right before she climbed into bed in her bra and panties. She really should get up and take a shower, or at least brush her teeth, but before the thought took root in her mind, she was sound asleep.
Damian leaned against the doorjamb and listened to the sound of Kerry sinking into the mattress. Moisture beaded his forehead as he imagined climbing in alongside her, running his hands over her smooth, silky skin. Kissing her forehead, now salty from sweat, nuzzling her neck, cupping her breasts, tugging on her nipples.
With a groan, he pushed himself away from the door and walked down the hall to his own bedroom. He headed directly to the shower, turning the knob to as cold as he could stand it.
Not that it helped.
Once settled in bed, he lay on his back and tucked his hands behind his head.
The woman his heart suspected could be the one he wanted for now and always would disappear from his life and head to Albuquerque sometime tomorrow unless he could find a way to change her mind. He needed time to work it out. See if this connection between them was real.
He flipped onto his stomach and punched the pillow. Things at the ranch were running smoothly, and he hadn’t had more than a day or two off in years. Maybe he could leave for Albuquerque tomorrow and hook up with Kerry while she’s there. Spend a couple of days with her before meeting with his supplier.