Page 14 of Playboy Prince
Danielle says he's more handsome now. That he was attractive before, but in a plain way.
I see what she means. The scars add character. Show he's been through something awful and survived.
"Can I talk you into posing for me?" Danielle asks.
"Depends. How much do you pay?" I ask.
She smiles. "How much do you want?"
"Am I wearing clothes?"
"This." Danielle looks to Liam. "I need something on my cell now." She slips into that photographer trance. "Liam, stand next to Briar."
"I thought we agreed you were taking naked photos of me, Danielle," Liam says.
She smiles, charmed, and motions for him to move next to me.
He looks to me and raises a brow should we?
I nod. We should.
We're engaged. We're somehow explaining our secret love affair. The one that never happened.
We might as well pose together.
Liam wraps his arm around my waist.
I rest my head on his shoulder.
Danielle snaps a few photos, asks us to embrace, snaps a few more.
"Angel, they're here for dinner," Adam says. "Not a photo shoot."
"One more." She snaps a final pic. "Then I'm putting it away. I swear."
"I've used that one before. I didn't mean it either." Liam winks at her.
She shakes her head in that silly Liam way and slips her cell into her pocket.
He's still pressed against me. He's still close and warm and tempting.
Why is he so tempting?
I want to kiss him again.
I want to kiss him forever.
"You want a drink?" Liam motions to the bar. "Or are we ready to sit?"
"We're ready," Danielle says. "Unless you want another angle."
Adam studies her with adoration. He loves everything about her, even her obsession with her camera. Or maybe especially her obsession with her camera. She does use it in interesting ways.
He's still the strong, silent type. When he's not around Danielle, he's stoic. Right now, his heart is on his sleeve. He loves her. Everyone in the room can see it.
"Only if I'm naked." Liam hails the hostess in that subtle, rich, guy way. He turns to her. Nods. Catches her attention immediately.
How does he do that?
He knows exactly what to say to everyone. To get whatever he wants.
It's not my strong suit. It's not something I want to do. But it's fascinating, watching him charm the world.
The hostess gathers menus. Leads us to a table next to the window, in the back corner of the room.
Actual privacy. That's why this place is a Pierce family favorite. It's quiet, secluded, expensive enough to offer relief from prying eyes. Adam spends time in the city now, but he still avoids the spotlight.
Liam and Simon don't mind working around their brother's needs. Not that they admit it. They claim love for different reasons—the dessert menu and the whiskey menu respectively—but there are other places with better options.
It's a compromise. One made easier by money, but a compromise all the same.
I can't believe I see it. A year ago, I would have been in awe of this place. Fancy cocktails, spacious oak tables, sweeping views.
Midtown in all its glory. The softer shade of midnight blue. The skyscrapers silver still and yellow light.
But I'm not here to soak up the atmosphere. I'm not here to contemplate Pierce family dynamics.
I'm here to convince Adam and Danielle I'm madly in love with Liam.
Adam pulls out Danielle's chair for her. He's a perfect gentleman. It suits his whole moody prince trapped in his castle vibe.
Liam does the same for me. It's normal. He does this all the time. Childhood training, I guess. The Pierce family is old money.
I don't usually think about it. Today, my head spins. This is boyfriend territory. He's pretending he's my boyfriend. My fiancé.
I need to get used to this.
"A grapefruit martini?" Adam asks.
"Huh?" I ask.
"Do you want a grapefruit martini?" Liam asks. "The same way Adam and Danielle have theirs."
"As long as it's as tart as your smile," I say.
"Make it four." Liam nods a thank you to the server.
She smiles and disappears. The practiced invisibility of the help. I never got the hang of it.
I guess I don't need to get the hang of it. In two weeks, I'm on the path to greatness. I'm launching my start-up and conquering the world.
"Is there any way I can convince you two to come over and do a wedding set?" Danielle asks. "Clothes on."
"Where's the fun in that?" Liam asks.
"I won't stop you from taking them off." She looks to me. "But I imagine Briar might have other ideas."
"Do you, baby?" Liam turns to me. "Do you have other ideas?"
This is it. A perfect chance to claim him as my fiancé. But I can't find the words. Lying to Preston is hard enough.
Danielle and I are friends.
"For the right price." I need to work up to it. So it feels natural. "I'm thinking four-figures."
"You heard the woman." Liam shrugs, effortless. "She's not doing this for free."