Page 5 of Playboy Prince
"I haven't slept with anyone at the office." Or anyone. In a long time. Liam keeps me way too busy.
"Neither have I."
I copy his really look.
He returns it. "I'm good at my job."
"Unfortunately true."
"I know the lines. I don't fuck with them. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."
"Then why are you asking?"
"Because it's important."
"But why?"
Frustration fills his blue eyes. Then he blinks and it's gone. Back to his version of a poker face. I'm Liam Pierce and I'm a troublemaker. Who knows what I'm thinking? "Preston's moving to London after this. To set up their UK branch."
"He won't feel good leaving me alone in New York unless I've settled down."
"Yeah. Really. The guy's practically my dad."
His dad died when he was a kid. Not that Liam ever talks about it.
"And you know what parents are like," he says. "They think marriage is some magical cure all."
Not untrue.
"I want him off my back."
"That's it?"
"What do you mean, that's it? He's like a father and I want him to rest easy. That's a fucking lot." His voice rises.
It's unlike him.
"There's shit going on, okay? I can't talk about it. Just trust me on this," he says. "I need your help. You want to fund your company. Is it really so bad pretending you like me for two weeks?"
"Only two weeks?"
"He's leaving after the wedding."
"And when he comes back for Thanksgiving?"
"He won't." Liam's eyes darken.
"He won't," Liam says again.
"How do you know?"
"He's moving to London."
"But Harrison isn't. He'll still come to visit you. Do I have to dust off the engagement ring every time he's in town?"
"For six months. Then we'll fake a breakup."
"I pick the reason."
"You pick. But I have veto power."
"Two entire weeks?" I ask.
"Until after the wedding."
Fourteen days pretending I'm Liam's fiancée. And all the damage to my reputation that comes with it.
There are perks to a tech executive as a fake fiancé.
But unless Liam is promising to fund all of my future endeavors, there are big downsides too. No one takes the girl who sleeps with investors seriously.
I don't want to be that girl.
"Liam, I—"
A knock on the door steals my attention. "Is that you, son?"
All the color drains from Liam's face.
"I won't interrupt. But I'll send everyone home if you've had enough celebrating," the man says.
Liam motions to my purse.
"What?" I whisper.
"Drop it," he whispers back. "And take those off." He points to my shoes.
"They're boots."
He nods fine. Then his hands are on my hips. And he's pushing me onto the bed.
What the fuck?
I fall onto the down comforter.
"Oh shit, you're allergic to feathers, aren't you, baby?" Liam offers me his hand. Motions play along.
"I am allergic to feathers." It's not a joke. It's a huge pain in the ass when we travel. Every nice hotel in the world has down bedding. And they only remember to switch to hypoallergenic bedding half the time I request it.
"Five minutes," he whispers back.
"Six percent," I say.
"And a raise."
He nods fine.
I take his hand.
"Sorry." He turns to the door right as Mr. Charles enters. Preston.
I've only met the man a few times. I don't know him well, but I know he's a great guy. He always goes out of his way to help me, even with little things, like finding my favorite tea. He's kind, funny, smart. The perfect father figure.
Even now, the smile he offers Liam is warm and knowing. Ah, Liam, that lovable scamp. Then he looks at me like I'm holding his heart in my hands.
Like he trusts me with the most valuable, precious thing in his possession—his almost son.
"Briar." His smile widens. "It's lovely to see you again."
"You too, sir. I mean, Preston," I say.
"I see Liam is his usual self."
"You know me." Liam shrugs. "Can't help myself. Especially when I need to get out of my head."
Liam and Preston exchange a knowing look.
Liam forces a smile. Preston lets out a sigh.
Something is going on.
Something strange.
"There's silk bedding in the spare room," Preston says. "But I don't know if Harrison would appreciate it."
"Isn't this your house?" I ask.
"Now," Preston says.
"But he's gifting it to Harrison. Wedding present. So it will be Harrison's soon," Liam explains.
"I wish my dad was that generous," I say.
"Yeah. And in the spirit of generosity, I've got to take my girl home, and show her the true meaning—"
"Please stop," I say.
"Baby, you're going to eat those words," Liam says.
Preston chuckles. "He wants everyone to know he's difficult."
"Tell me about it." I try to hold his gaze, but I can't. He's too warm, too paternal, too happy to see me.
Everything my father isn't.
Everything a father is supposed to be.
How can I lie to someone so honest and open?
"But that is a good idea, Liam. Leaving. We have a big day tomorrow," I say.
"On Saturday?" Preston asks.
"We have very busy Saturdays." Liam winks.
"And we are leaving. Thank you for inviting us to this…" What did they call it? Some made up pre-wedding ritual. "Party. It was lovely." I grab my purse. "I can't wait to see you for the next… wedding thing."