Page 16 of The Winter Bride (Hollow Oak)
“Don’t tell me I missed all the fun,” he says as he claps Sherman on the back.
“This discussion is over,” Sherman says, moving away from Curt’s touch.
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” I say, poking my finger in his chest. “You’re going to use what money you’ve got left to pay off your debts. Then you’re going to sell everything you have to finish paying off what you’ve already spent.”
“And be left with nothing?” He looks horrified at the thought. “How will I live?”
“Like a man who tried to correct his mistakes.” I lean in close to him. “Because what you’re doing right now makes you lower than the loan sharks who will kill you if you don’t.”
“You don’t know that.” Even his words don’t sound believable.
I can’t help but laugh, shaking my head. “I know that you’ve got about forty-eight hours until the hammer falls. If I were you, I’d start making amends now instead of trying to fuck a minor and blowing all your money on a failing business.”
The last part of my sentence is the only thing that gets a reaction out of him before he schools his features once more. He tugs slightly on the knot of his tie and swallows hard.
“I need more money,” he says softly. “Listen, I know I’ve made some mistakes, but I’m an addict.”
Now he’s trying to push his bleeding-heart story on me for more cash? Fuck this guy.
“When you do those things, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of, but not until then. Do you understand me? You will pay them what you have, then you’ll sell everything to make up the difference. When that’s done, we can talk.”
He doesn’t agree, but he doesn’t tell me to stick my offer up my ass either. Instead he glares at me and then at Curt before he pushes past us and heads to the front door. Thankfully, he leaves the young woman at the bar. At least he’s made one decent choice today.
“I need to go,” I say to Curt. “I don’t want to leave Phoebe alone for too long.”
“What about the girl?” He nods to the bar, obviously having seen more than I realized.
“Take care of it.” I sigh. “The last thing I want for my wife right now is a scandal.”
“It’s done.” He nods and makes his way to the bar.
There’s something about this that doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s because I’m not next to Phoebe right now, but there’s a feeling in my stomach that has me nervous. I need to get home and lay eyes on her to make sure she’s okay. I know I’ll feel better once this situation with her father is handled.
Chapter Eleven
One of these days I’m going to wake up and my husband is going to be in this bed with me. Even though he’s not in the bed, I can’t help but smile. I know it’s nuts, but I think I’m in love. This man bought me days ago, and here I am thinking I’m in love with him. Pretty sure Stockholm syndrome takes longer to kick in, so it must be real.
I roll out of bed and quickly find something to wear before I go in search of my husband. Maybe I’m being a bit clingy? I wonder if that would turn him off but then wave off the idea. If he didn’t want someone to be clingy then he shouldn’t have gotten married.
The first place I go is my husband’s office to peek inside, but his chair is empty. This had been the one place I didn’t actually snoop around before. I know he told me I had free rein, but growing up, I knew my father’s office was always off limits.
Unable to help myself, I wander inside and sit down at his desk. I peek into a few drawers but don’t see anything interesting until I pull open the top drawer. A folder sits there with my last name scribbled across it. It might as well be stamped “read me” in giant blinking leaders.
I chew on my bottom lip, wondering if I should leave it be. Part of me wants to look, but another part of me is scared that I could find something in there that might change how I feel. I don’t want to change. I’m happy even if it’s silly and naïve.
“Phoebe.” I jump up from the chair when I hear my name called. The office door opens a second later, and I see Mrs. Birch standing there.
“I was looking for Boone. I wasn’t snooping,” I blurt out.
“Put your hands down, dear,” she laughs. I realize I have them raised up to show they’re empty. “This is your home. It’s not snooping.”
“Right.” I drop my hands.
“I wanted to let you know that Beau will be arriving shortly.”
“Beau? Really?!” I’m a bit surprised.