Page 2 of The Winter Bride (Hollow Oak)
“What a jerk-off.”
“Yep,” I agree. A handsome jerk-off with a face and green eyes I couldn’t forget.
I’d only realized he’d been in the building to see my father when I’d gotten back from walking Beau. I heard his voice in my father’s office, so I went and hid in my room until he left. I hadn’t heard a thing about the man since that day. Well, until today.
My father called me into his office and told me a few hours ago to pack my bags because I was getting married. At first I was certain he was messing with me. Not that he’s one to joke around, but still. It felt so out of left field. Married? He sent me to an all-girls school here in Houston my whole life. I’ve never been allowed to date. Now I’m getting married.
“Your world is so weird, but you know this isn’t super uncommon. You marry within the circle of wealth.”
“I don’t think my father has any wealth left. He said if I don't do this we’re done for.”
“Holy shit,” Marley whispers loudly.
Part of me was shocked when he said that, but another part of me also knows my father loves to gamble, and his vice is horse racing. I’ve also heard him and my mother fighting a lot lately over money. He used to never care what she spent. Now he’s pissed if she comes home with even one bag.
Beau must sense my distance because he jumps up from his bed and comes over to lay his head in my lap. I don’t even know if I will get to take him with me.
“You know you don’t have to do this,” Marley says. “You can’t be sold off.”
I’d said pretty much the same thing. That’s when my father had gone from telling me I was doing this to begging me. He said he owed some bad people a lot of money. I’d never seen my father actually look scared, but he did today.
He said to marry Boone Adler now and then get out in a few years. That I owed him this for all he’s done for me. He’d actually had a list of all the money he’s ever spent on me since I was born. Part of me agreed to this insanity to get the heck away from him. I’ve never been so hurt in my life. My father might not have been the best dad out there because he wasn’t around a lot. But hearing that he kept a running tally on what I cost him cut deep. Even so, I didn’t want to see my father be hurt.
“I’m going to do it.”
“I already knew you were going to say that, Phoebs.” Marley gets up from the bed to come over toward me. “Your loyalty is one of the many reasons I love you. It’s also one of your best qualities, but don’t forget sometimes your best quality can be one of your most detrimental too. Not everyone is worthy of your loyalty. I want you to remember that.”
She wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. “I love you too,” I tell her, knowing I’ll miss her more than anything else.
Chapter Two
“This is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Curt walks right past me and goes over to the bar in my study to pour himself a drink.
“I don’t remember asking you.” I don’t look up from my computer as I click on the security cameras at the gate to see when Phoebe Hawthorne arrives.
The property is located on the edge of Hollow Oak. The land was inexpensive but a good investment at the time. I had this house built out here so that I could get away when I didn’t have pressing business in the city. A long driveway, over a mile long and lined with trees, leads up to the house, so I can’t go out and wait on the front steps for her. There will be an alert when someone is at the entrance, but I want to know the moment she’s here.
“Her family is in debt up to their eyes and everyone knows it.” I hear him take a drink, but I don’t respond.
I wonder what she’ll be wearing. Will she have on a wedding dress? I didn’t specify when I said I wanted her delivered today for the ceremony. Some think it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, but I can’t wait.
“Are you even listening to me?” He takes a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of my desk.
“No,” I answer and don’t look up.
“Boone,” he barks, and I sigh as I lean back in my chair to look at him.
“She’s well bred, I’ll give you that.”
“Watch it,” I snap.
“You know what I mean. She comes from a family with a history of wealth. That’s the only thing that’s saving her father from the loan sharks right now. And the fact that he’s agreed to pass his only daughter off to you like a used sofa.”