Page 21 of Built To Last
Erin answered almost immediately. Great. Enchiladas at Adolfo’s. I think I’m going to sleep my way through this afternoon.
He chuckled. Nothing beat a good food coma. Will you have dinner with me?
Three dots flashed on his screen for several minutes before a response finally came. I’d love to :).
After making arrangements to pick her up, Jake shoved the phone back in his pocket, a silly grin plastered on his face for the rest of the day.
Chapter Nine
ERIN SHOULDN’T HAVE accepted another date with Jake, but she’d been powerless to say no when he’d texted her. She needed to talk to him. She would talk to him… tonight. Tell him about her plans. Then she’d be free to head out of town and start the life that had been delayed ten years.
No matter how much Dad and Melissa reassured her that they could take care of themselves, she couldn’t help but worry? And then there was Jake. She’d only met him three days ago, had only been out on two dates… or was it one? Could she count dinner on Friday night as a date since she had just met him?
The number of dates didn’t matter. The instant connection, the stories they shared, that’s what was important. And what had turned her entire plan sideways.
She stepped into the house after work to change before dinner, but something felt different. Something looked different. “Dad? Melissa?”
Her father turned into the living room from the hall. His eyes sparkled a little brighter than normal, his clothes hung a little neater. “Hey, honey. How was your day?”
She masked her shock and kissed him on the cheek. “Hey, Daddy. Today was great. How about you?”
“Good. Really good.”
Erin’s eyes widened. She had stopped asking him about his day a long time ago, because his answer was always so depressing. She’d never heard Daddy answer that way. At least not since her mother had died.
“I planned to grill some chicken for dinner. Are you staying?”
And he was cooking dinner? She hated to miss out on Daddy feeling better. A chance to spend quality time with him. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were going to make dinner. I made other plans.” She reached to pull her phone out of her purse. “I can change them.”
Daddy placed his hand over hers. “No, honey. Don’t change your plans. Are you seeing Jake again?”
She couldn’t help but smile. He certainly was persistent, asking her to dinner after she’d turned him down for lunch. “I am.”
“Good. I liked him.”
“Me too.” Knowing Daddy approved of Jake was important to her. “Where’s Melissa? Is she home for dinner or out with her friends?”
“She’s at work. She got a job.”
Erin about fell down from the shock. Was she really that out of touch with what was going on with her family? “Wait, what? When did she get a job?”
“About two weeks ago. She didn’t want to tell you until she knew it would work out. She’s working at the Surf and Sport. Right on Coast Highway. She’s so proud of herself for scheduling the interview and getting the job. I’m proud of her, too.” He wrapped his arm around Erin’s shoulder, his comfort enveloping her. “I’m proud of both of my girls. I don’t tell either of you enough. Melissa and I would not have made it through your mother’s death without you. I know you gave up a lot to take care of me and your sister.”
Erin hugged her father as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Oh, Daddy. I love you. I only did what anyone would have done.”
He squeezed her tight, his arms firm around her. Stronger than he’d been in the past. She was so happy that he was doing better. And Melissa had a job. Maybe things were finally falling into place for her to move forward with her plans.
Except for Jake.
That certainly put a damper on her happiness. “If you’re sure you’re okay, I’ll go get ready. Jake’s coming in about half an hour.”
“Go, scoot. Get ready. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“I always worry about you.”
She left Daddy in the living room and headed down the hall. Jake hadn’t said where they’d be going, but she wanted to look nice for him. She grabbed her favorite deep pink floral sundress, the one that always gave her confidence, and pulled it on.
The doorbell rang as she strapped on her platform sandals.