Page 8 of Screwed In Sin City
But now, she's sitting beside me, and the curve of her mouth mixed with the faint glint of excitement in her hazel eyes is doing something to me, and in this moment I don't give a damn what she thinks of what I do outside this hotel room. All I can seem to focus on is the fact that she's here, she's listening to what I'm saying, and for the first time she seems open to taking me up on my offer.
Though I haven't technically suggested anything specific, there's an air about her that tells me she’s got a few ideas of her own, and she's just as into me as I am her, even if she refuses to admit it out loud. Hell, I don't even know if she's officially admitted it to herself, and again, I don't care. Because the way she's looking at me right now tells me everything I need to know.
Josie wants me.
I want her, too.
And, be damned if I know if that's actually a good thing or not, but it doesn't matter. If she's willing to go out on a limb tonight, I won't deny her that. I may not know the woman, but it's obvious she doesn't stray far from the stringent life she's built for herself, and she’s very accustomed to avoiding anything that might become conflicting or dramatic for
her or other parties involved.
That's fine, because I have no intentions of creating conflict or conjuring up drama for her. That stuff is reserved for the lives we lead on the other side of that hotel room door.
Right now, it's just her and I. And whatever that means, that's for us to know, and for Vegas to bury within its many troves of secrets.
Josie hasn't said a word. She's staring at me, her eyes flickering one way, then the next, taking in every feature of my face. I’m so close to her I could push my lips against hers with only the smallest lean forward.
I don't, though, and instead choose to let her make the first move. It's only right, considering the unease she's been harboring since I first set eyes on her last night. It's everything I can do to keep my hands to myself, wanting nothing more than to snake my arm out and draw her to me, to feel the heat of her body against mine.
I want to ask her what she wants, what her idea of letting loose means, what the woman does for fun. “Tell me what you're thinking about,” I whisper quietly instead. It's a demand, but it's spoken softly enough that it doesn't come across aggressively.
Her eyes flit across my features again, and I can see her processing my question silently. Finally, she breathes, “I'm thinking about what it would be like to not be me.” She runs her tongue along her bottom lip. “Just for one night,” she adds.
Her choice of words intrigues me, but instead I say the only thing I'm thinking in that moment. “You can be anyone you want to be, Josie. Even just for one night.”
Her eyes widen, as though she's just realized the truth of my words, and a second later, she closes the gap between us, crushing her lips against mine with such sudden fervor that I gasp. Not because I don't want her mouth on mine, but because I hadn't expected her to kiss me without at least some kind of warning. I didn't count on her kissing me so hard and so fast, and I also didn't count on the wave of all-encompassing heat that floods through me at the touch of her soft lips on my own.
Josie is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, something I don't know how to prepare myself against, something I’ve never experienced before. Flirting is one thing, sex is another thing altogether. But the electric burn that courses through me just having her so close is more than I know how to handle.
My tongue finds Josie's the moment her lips part, and we kiss in a way that makes me feel both like it’s a familiar sensation, and yet something that is deliciously new and incredibly intoxicating.
I let her lead, but I can’t resist letting my fingertips trace up the outside of her arm, up to her bare shoulder and around to the back of her neck, holding her to me. I can't get enough. I can feel my cock already straining against my jeans. Christ, she's going to do me in before I even get the chance to savor every gorgeous inch of her.
In a moment, Josie is moving up onto her knees, crawling onto my lap and pushing me back against the couch. Her mouth never leaves mine, but her hands are on a journey to explore whatever parts of me she can reach. I help her, and with a tug of the material and the loud rip of a button being pulled loose, my shirt is undone and pulled open. Her hands are on the heated skin of my chest, dragging her nails delicately down each muscle as she takes me in using only her sense of touch. The resultant moan that escapes her mouth is quickly lost somewhere in our kiss, but the sound is enough to make me lose the last shred of chivalry I have left.
My hands come up to her hips, and despite tucking my fingers under the hem of her shirt, I hold her in place, pushing her back just slightly. “Josie,” I breathe hoarsely against her mouth. “I want you. Hell, I want this. But, are you sure you do, too?”
Her chest is heaving, and she looks about ready to devour me. I'd be lying if I said the image of her looking so damn turned on while straddling my lap isn't the sexiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. Her eyes are locked on mine, and the smoldering fire within them is intense enough that I'm not sure it matters what her answer is, because I have no intention of letting myself leave this room without igniting that fire into a burst of flames.
Thankfully, Josie's answer is merely the roll of her hips forward, rocking so suggestively against my stiff cock that I let out a guttural groan, letting my head fall back against the back of the couch.
“Jesus Christ.” The words leave my lips sounding like a plea.
I raise my head again, only to see the glimmer of a smirk on Josie’s face. It registers just before she reaches down between us and begins to expertly unbuckle my belt.
“You’re on a mission,” I choke out, which only makes her grin wider. When her eyes lock on mine again, they’re dark and wild.
“I know what I want.”
Then, her mouth descends onto mine again, leaving no further room for words. Words won’t extinguish the flames between us now. Only touch. And sensation.
And that’s what I plan to give her—every damn touch and sensation she needs to combust beneath my fingertips.
She isn’t the only one who knows what they want. She isn’t the only one who knows what she wants.
I don’t remember consciously doing it, but in a split second I’ve scooped an arm around her back and rolled her off me, onto her back on the couch. I don’t waste time hovering over her, searching her gaze for permission. I already know the answer, and she gave it to me the moment that sexy little moan escaped her lips on a sigh.
“Fuck,” I whisper, lowering my head to suck and kiss and taste along her collarbone and shoulder. I can feel Josie’s hands fumbling again with my belt. She’s got it undone, but there are too many other erotic emotions flooding her senses to send a coherent signal to her brain, and her fingertips seem unable to maneuver the button of my jeans. I reach between us, undoing the button with one hand.