Page 14 of Married in Name Only
From the clenched jaw and tight lips, he wasn’t disappointed in her curves. That fact not only boosted her confidence, but sent a shiver of arousal through her. She hadn’t cared what he thought about her until just this minute. Which was silly because she was happy with her body and wouldn’t change for any man.
“I knew that getup looked like you were wearing nothing beneath,” he stated. “But you sure as hell were bare.”
Paisley smiled. Feeling extra saucy, she slid her thumbs into the material gathered at her waist and shoved it on down to pool at her feet. Carefully, she stepped out of the garment, leaving her standing before him in only her spiked, strappy heels.
He’d already shed his jacket and tie and loosened the top button on his black shirt. His hair was rumpled from his Stetson, his sleeves were rolled up onto muscular forearms, and judging by the way he looked at her, it would be a miracle if they didn’t set this place on fire just from the electricity charging between them.
Chemistry...they still had it. Quite possibly even stronger than their first time around.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding their marriage, there was no denying their attraction and there was no use fighting it. Paisley wondered if she needed time to grasp their new, temporary reality, but all she needed was that boost of courage that only came from one of Lucas’s sexy stares.
“Had I known what you weren’t wearing, we would’ve taken the long way here from the chapel.” Lucas stalked toward her, unbuttoning his shirt and discarding it across the floor. “Do you even know how sexy you are? More than I remember.”
Did that mean he’d thought about her over the years? Paisley wasn’t about to admit she’d done her fair share of fantasizing. She was stronger now, more independent...or trying like hell to be. The blows she’d been delivered lately had forced her to admit vulnerability. She hated needing anybody, but there was also no need in being stupid about her situation. She needed Lucas now, in more than one way. He’d always been her weakness.
Before he could touch her, Paisley put her hands on his bare chest and looked up at him. “This can’t be more than, well...this.”
His brows drew in. “What?”
“Sex. This marriage isn’t more than you helping me and sex. I can’t get hurt, Lucas.”
His fingertips trailed over her hips, into the dip of her waist and over the sides of her breasts. All the while he kept his gaze locked firmly on hers.
“You think I’d hurt you?”
He took one step, closing the last bit of distance between them. With a quick, expert move, Lucas reached for her hands, pulled them down to her sides and gently behind her back. With one firm grip, he secured her wrists and towered over her.
With his free hand, he covered her neck and stroked his thumb along the sensitive spot behind her ear, and then he ran a fingertip over her lips.
“I’d never hurt you,” he murmured. “But I’m keeping myself guarded as well since you were the one who broke my heart with a letter and a vanishing act.”
He gave her no chance to defend herself as his hand disappeared, quickly replaced by his mouth.
Paisley had no choice but to arch against him in this current situation. He had complete and utter control and the very female, aching, needy part of her wanted him to do whatever he planned. She trusted him completely with her body. It was her heart that she had to keep protected.
At least they were both in agreement that their hearts had no place in this marriage. Now, if she could just remember that as they went through the rest of their days as husband and wife while playing house.
Paisley opened to him, welcoming the passion. There was something so familiar, yet so strangely new with having Lucas consume her. That young adult body had turned into manly muscle and the sometimes timid touch was now all demanding. A man who knew what he wanted, and who he wanted, was so damn sexy.
There was no question that Lucas had every intention of remaining dominant and maybe, just in the case of the bedroom, she’d let go of the reins for now. She found his strength and power arousing and refreshing from guys she’d dated in the past.
Paisley looped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his thick hair. Was it naive of her to want to get lost in him for just a bit? This was no typical wedding night, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t thoroughly enjoy herself and the man she now called her husband.