Page 22 of Married in Name Only
Her old mentor came to her feet and pulled Paisley into a hug.
“I was so happy you called,” Melinda stated. “It’s been too long.”
Paisley eased back and reached for her chair. “It has. You know how it goes, though. Time just goes too fast. I’ve been so busy with the shop.”
Melinda sat back down and offered a beaming smile. “How is your shop doing? Every time I drive by I daydream about those stunning dresses in your window. I choose a favorite and then you switch them out and I have a new favorite.”
“Why do you think I swap them out so often? I can’t decide which one I love more. But it’s been difficult lately,” Paisley said honestly. “I lost quite a bit of money and my savings, not to mention my mother lost everything she had when Sterling’s... Well, you know the story.”
Melinda winced and her smile vanished. “Oh, no, Paisley. I’m so, so sorry.” Her friend shook her head and sighed. “I’m embarrassed, actually.”
The waitress interrupted to get their drink orders, so they went ahead and ordered their food as well.
“You have nothing to be embarrassed for,” Paisley said once they were alone again. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through having your father in jail. I’m the one who’s sorry for you.”
Melinda nodded and took in a deep breath. “It’s been rough, but we’ll get through.”
Paisley knew her friend was made of tougher stuff than most. There was no doubt Melinda would be just fine, but Paisley had to probe...just a little. Melinda didn’t dabble in the family business—she was so much more. She was a philanthropist and headed multiple charities. Those she worked on for struggling ranchers really put her in good graces with the Texas Cattleman’s Club.
But Melinda was close with her father and maybe she knew more than she’d ever want to admit. But Paisley was desperate. If Sterling turned out to be her father, this marriage to Lucas could come to an end...before she got any more attached to her husband.
“Our situations aren’t the same, but I understand the void,” Paisley told her friend. “Since losing my mom, I’ve had a hard time figuring out my new normal. There are days I think I’m okay, but then something small and unexpected will remind me of what I lost.”
Melinda reached across the table and gave Paisley’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I cannot even imagine. I never met your mother, but she had to have been remarkable.”
“She was,” Paisley said with a smile. “Lynette Morgan was one tough woman. She will be missed by so many.”
Paisley purposely dropped her mother’s name, hoping for a spark of recognition in Melinda’s eyes.
Nothing. There was absolutely no flash of anything other than sympathy and sadness. Damn it.
“Let’s discuss something else,” Paisley suggested. “I didn’t call you to hash out all of the bad that’s happened.”
Melinda nodded and pulled her hand back. “First, I do want you to know that I’m terribly sorry about what my father did and how it affected you. Well, you and the entire city of Houston. That was another reason I was glad you called. I really didn’t know you were harmed by his actions, but I don’t have many friends lately, considering my last name. I think he’s innocent, but he’s still in jail, so maybe clearing his name is proving to be too difficult.”
Paisley hated all of this for her friend. Melinda was nothing like Sterling Perry. Melinda was amazing, kind, generous. Sterling was... Well, Paisley wasn’t wasting her mental space on him right now. She wanted to enjoy this lunch, even if she didn’t get the answers she was hoping for.
Paisley reached for her water glass, and Melinda gasped.
“What is that rock?”
The woman immediately grabbed Paisley’s finger and examined the rings from all angles, then shifted her focus back to Paisley.
“Congratulations.” Melinda beamed. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Paisley swallowed. The rings on her finger still seemed so foreign and quite a bit over-the-top. Despite owning a bridal boutique, Paisley typically leaned toward the conservative side.